August 5, 2019 minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, August 5, 2019

Board of Selectmen

August 5, 2019

Regular Session

Merritt Center, 600 Market Street



Philip Crawford, Chairman


Christopher Barrett, Selectman


Richard Dalton, Selectman


Chairman Crawford called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. He announced that the meeting was being recorded for cable television and led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Joint meeting with Lynnfield Housing Authority to interview candidate for vacancy

Members of the Lynnfield Housing Authority Board of Directors joined the Board for a joint meeting.


MOTION by Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton: I move that the Board enter into a joint meeting with the Lynnfield Housing Authority Board of Commissioners. Motion was approved unanimously.


MOTION by Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton I move that Phil Crawford be named chairman of the joint meeting. Motion was approved unanimously.


Housing Authority Executive Director Daniel MacIntrye explained that the Housing Authority had sought tenant applicants for the vacancy in the Commission by contacting the Tenants Association and posting a notice on the bulletin board at the Colonial Gardens location. The state has not given guidance to local Housing Authorities on how to meet the new requirement that one member of the Board be a tenant representative. The LHA has one vacancy on its board and had three applicants, two of whom withdrew. The lone remaining applicant, Susan Morgese, appeared before the joint meeting.


MOTION by Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton: I move that Susan Morgese be appointed to the Lynnfield Housing Authority Board of Commissioners for a term to expire at the town election in April, 2019. The motion was approved unanimously.


MOTION by Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton: I move that the joint meeting be adjourned. The motion was approved unanimously.


Request from Whole Foods for warrant article to seek legislation to add one all-alcohol package store license at Market Street to Town’s quota

Attorney Daniel Libardoni, of Nutter, McClellan and Fish LLP, representing Whole Foods to discussed the request that the Board place on its fall meeting warrant an article that would petition the legislature for approval of special legislation to add one additional all-alcohol package store license, to be located at Market Street, to the Town’s quota for such licenses, which is currently three. Whole Foods currently has a beer and wine package store license and would apply for the full additional license. He said that Whole Foods would not compete directly with the three existing all-alcohol package stores in Town, as it would focus on high-end spirts to go along with the store’s food offerings. He said that it would occupy about 8 to 12 feet of shelf space.


Sel. Dalton recalled that in 2017, voters at town meeting passed an article that sought legislation to increase the Town’s all-alcohol restaurant license quota after amending the article to delete the request that an additional all-alcohol package store license be added to the quota as well. He said that Whole Foods should be prepared to make a strong case to voters. Atty. Libardoni said that this license would be specific to market Street and would allow Whole Foods to keep up with its competition. Sel. Barrett asked if language could be included to protect the other license holders; Sel. Dalton said that licenses cannot restrict the stock of the store. Chairman Crawford asked when the legislation would likely be taken up by the legislature should the article be approved at fall town meeting. Sel. Dalton said most likely in the spring of 2020.


Application for dock license, 87 Oakridge Terrace

The Conservation Commission has reviewed this dock license application and has approved the dock under their regulations.


MOTION by Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton: I move that the Board approve the dock license for 87 Oakridge Terrace as presented. The motion was approved unanimously.


Application for dock license, 30 Pinewood Road

The Conservation Commission has reviewed this dock license application and has approved the dock under their regulations.


MOTION by Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton: I move that the Board approve the dock license for 30 Pinewood Road as presented. The motion was approved unanimously.


Application for livery license, Boston First Limo Service, 375 Broadway

The applicant could not be reached at the phone numbers provided on the license application. This agenda item was passed over until the applicant can be contacted.


Reappointment of Strategic Planning Committee

The Board originally appointed the Strategic Planning Committee for a one-year term. The work of the Committee continues and an additional one-year appointment is recommended.


MOTION by Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton: I move that the following members of the Strategic Planning Committee be re-appointed to terms ending on June 30, 2020: Joseph Connell, Richard O’Neill, David Basile, John Scenna, Lauren George. Motion was approved unanimously.

Proposed traffic regulation to place stop sign on Hunting Lane at Robin Road

Chairman Crawford said that residents of the Sherwood Forest neighborhood have requested the placement of a stop sign at the intersection of Hunting Lane and Robin Road due to concerns about speeding and cut-through traffic in the area. Police Chief David Breen and Town Engineer Charlie Richter have both reviewed this request and have no objections.


MOTION by Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton: I move that the Board vote to amend the Town’s traffic regulations to add the following locations to the schedule of stop signs listed in Section 380-23 (B), “Obedience to isolated stop signs,” the following locations,


                                    Stop Sign Facing

Stop sign on                Drivers Traveling                    At intersection of

Hunting Lane              Northbound                            Robin Road


And to order the erection of stops signs at these locations.


The motion was approved unanimously.


Resignation from Conservation Commission

Chris Martone has resigned from the Conservation Commission as he is moving out of Town. On behalf of the Board, Chairman Crawford thanked him for his work.


MOTION by Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton: I move that the Board vote to accept with regret the resignation of Chris Martone from the Conservation Commission. Motion was approved unanimously.


Recommendation of Conservation Commission to appoint associate member to full position

Conservation Commission associate member Kirk Mansfield has been attending Con Com meetings regularly and would accept a nomination as a full member, and his appointment is recommended by the Chair. The Board could then ask for applicants for associate members.


MOTION by Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton: I move that the Board vote to appoint Kirk Mansfield as a full member of the Conservation Commission, with a term to expire on June 20, 2022. Motion was approved unanimously.


Appointments to Board of Registrars

Kendall Inglese’s appointment to the Board of Registrars expired on June 30, 2019. Donna Hegan’s interim appointment has also lapsed. Under state law, the Board must solicit nominations from both Republican and Democratic Town Committees, both of whom have responded with the lists of nominees. Michael Feinberg, nominated by the Democratic committee, is already serving on the Board. Ms. Hegan said she was willing to step aside for an appointee who had greater flexibility in his or her schedule.


MOTION by Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton: I move that Ann Patriquin be appointed to the Board of Registrars for a term to expire on June 30, 2020. Motion was approved unanimously.


MOTION by Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton: I move that Kendall Inglese be re-appointed to the Board of Registrars for a term to expire on June 30, 2022. Motion was approved unanimously.


Request to purchase Town-owned land, corner of Walsh Road and Willow Road

Asst. Town Administrator Robert Curtin explained that the Board has received a request from an attorney representing an abutter to purchase a parcel of Town-owned land. The process involves asking Town departments and boards whether they have any objection to the sale of property, which is in progress. If no Town need is identified, the Board could vote to declare the land surplus property, and then a town meeting warrant article approving the sale by auction, with any conditions attached by the Board, would be held. The price would be set at a minimum established by an appraisal. The Board has typically attached conditions that would not allow the lot to contain any structures (including tower antennas) or to be used to create an additional buildable lot.


Ratification of Memorandum of Understanding with Lynnfield Clerical Association

The Town has completed negotiations with the Lynnfield Clerical Association and is seeking approval of an MOU regarding the provisions to be included in a three-year contract. Town Administrator Robert Dolan reviewed the provisions, which include base-pay increases of 1.5 percent in all three years.


MOTION by Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton: I move that the Board approve the Memorandum of Understanding with American Federal, State, County and Municipal Employees Council 93, Local 3434, for the period July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2022. Motion was approved unanimously.


Disclosure by Director of Planning and Conservation of Financial Interest under MGL C. 268A, Section 19

Planning and Conservation Administrator Emilie Cademartori has filed with the Board a disclosure of her son’s summer employment by a firm operated by a property owner that has from time to time business before the boards which she serves.


MOTION by Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton: I move that the Board vote to determine that the interest disclosed by Ms. Cademartori is not so substantial as to be deemed likely to affect the integrity of the services which the municipality may expect from the employee, and to authorize the Chairman to sign the disclosure form to that effect. Motion was approved unanimously.


Town Administrator update

Town Administrator Robert Dolan gave very brief updates on a number of issues and projects.


One-day liquor license applications, Knight of Columbus, November 3, 2019

MOTION by Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton: I move that the Board vote to approve the one-day liquor license application for the Knights of Columbus for November 3, 2019. Motion was approved unanimously.


Use of facilities requests

a. September 22, Common and use of Town roads, Night of Hope event

MOTION by Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton: I move that the Board vote to the use of the common and Town roadways for the Night of Hope event on September 22. Motion was approved unanimously.


Request for executive session under Mass. General Laws Chapter 30A, Section 21 (A) (3) to discuss collective bargaining strategy for which an open discussion may adversely affect the Town’s negotiating position.

MOTION by Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton: I move that the Board vote to enter executive session under Mass. General Laws Chapter 30A, Section 21 (A) (3) to discuss collective bargaining strategy for which an open discussion may adversely affect the Town’s negotiating position.


Roll call vote: Barrett – yes; Dalton – yes; Crawford – yes.


The chairman announced that the Board will not return to public session.


The Board entered executive session at 7:30 p.m. and adjourned at 7:45 p.m.