May 8, 2017 meeting minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, May 8, 2017

Board of Selectmen

May 8, 2017

Regular Session

Merritt Center, 600 Market Street



Christopher Barrett, Chairman


Philip Crawford, Selectman


Richard Dalton, Selectman


Chairman Barrett called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. and announced that the meeting was being recorded for transmission by cable television. He led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Recreation Commission staff policy and camper code

Recreation Commission Chairman Richard Sjoberg and Recreation Director Julie Mallett were on hand to review proposed changes to the Recreation Commission’s policies and procedures. The policies were provided to the Board and Mr. Sjoberg explained that they were the subject of a review process over a four-month period. Members of the Board said they had no issues with the proposed policy revision. Mr. Sjoberg said that with the increase in the number of children enrolled in the Recreation Commission camps and programs, the commission reached out to the Fire Department. Counselors and staff are trained in CPR and first aid.


On the motion of Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford, the Board voted unanimously to adopt the Recreation Commission Staff Policy and Camper Code.


Open Space and Recreation Committee interview

Resident Erica Madden appeared before the Board to interview for a position on the newly reformed Open Space and Recreation Commission. Chairman Barrett said the Town must periodically update its Open Space and Recreation Plan in order to be eligible for certain state grants.


Ms. Madden said she has lived in Town for over 20 years and has three children enrolled in the schools and active in various programs. She has a degree in mechanical engineering and her daughter is interested in working on this project as part of her Girl Scout Gold Award.


On the motion of Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford, the Board voted unanimously to appoint Erica Madden to the Open Space and Recreation Committee.


Policy on naming Town facilities

Chairman Barrett said that the matter of naming of Town facilities for persons was raised when a petition warrant article was filed to rename the Middle School for a firefighter who dies from injuries suffered during his career. He asked Town Administrator James Boudreau to draft a policy for the Board to consider.


Mr. Boudreau said the proposed policy was modeled on one adopted in Norwell, where he last worked. He reviewed the proposed policy which would require that any memorial to an individual would have to be approved by town meeting. He also said the policy has guidelines but the Board has discretion.


On the motion of Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford, the Board voted unanimously to adopt the Policy on the Naming of Town Facilities as presented.


Resident H. Joseph Maney, who served as a member of the Board 49 years ago and in various capacities since that time, said there was a strong feeling on the Board when he served not to name any Town facilities after individuals.





It is the policy of the Board of Selectmen that the naming of publicly owned property shall be done sparingly, for good cause shown.

Requests for naming of any public property, such as buildings, rooms within buildings, playgrounds, recreational facilities, squares, parks and other public facilities shall be considered at an advertised public hearing before the Board or Committee with care, control and custody of that facility or property.


There will be a separate process for the naming of Conservation Lands. Requests pertaining to facilities under the care, control and custody of the School Department shall be referred to the School Committee in the first instance.


The Board or Committee shall then refer a suggestion or suggestions to the Board of Selectmen with a record of the hearing and a Committee recommendation for approval. If the facility is not under the jurisdiction or a Town Board or Town Committee, the request shall be referred to the Board of Selectmen, which shall hold said public hearing before making a decision.


It is the policy of the Board of Selectmen that the renaming of a property shall be done very sparingly, for compelling reasons. Renaming of a property already named for a person or family shall be undertaken only by Town Meeting.


It shall be the policy of the Board of Selectmen that the placement of memorials for a deceased Town resident or to commemorate a significant regional or national event or to commemorate the history and contributions of any group within the Town of Lynnfield shall be done very sparingly, for compelling reasons. Memorials shall only be allowed for deceased residents who have made a significant contribution to the community.


Before any permanent memorial may be place on Town property, the proposed site and installation shall be reviewed by the Police, Fire and Public Works Departments for any public safety issues. Approval of the memorial shall require a vote of the Town Meeting.


Establishment of a War Memorial Gift Fund

Chairman Barrett said that resident and former Veterans Services Director John H. Kimball III has done a lot of work on the possible relocation and updating of the Town’s war memorials. He has worked with Mr. Boudreau and Town Accountant Julianne McCarthy on finding a way for the Town to receive funding for the project through private donations. Mr. Boudreau explained this process.


On the motion of Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford, the Board voted unanimously to approve the creation of the Wear Memorial Gift Fund under Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 53A.


Appointment of liaisons

Chairman Barrett said he has been reviewing the list of Boarded liaison assignments and wanted time to discuss them with his fellow Board members. He said he will be asking Board members to provide updates periodically on the activities of those committees and boards for which they serve as liaisons.


Selectman Dalton said that at a recent meeting the Board voted to reaffirm its Code of Conduct, which requires the Board members to address issues with Town departments with the Town Administrator. He questioned whether the Board should have a liaison to departments that report directly to the administrator. Mr. Boudreau said he agreed that the Board should work through the administrator, and that the policy requires that Board members not contact department heads directly.


Selectman Crawford said that the liaisons provide the public with a Board member to discuss issues related to that department. He also said that the liaison works with the department on the budget. Selectman Dalton said that residents should work through the town administrator’s office but are free to call Board members about issues of concern.


Mr. Boudreau said the appointment of the liaisons is the chairman’s prerogative and no motion is necessary to ratify them.


Aging, Council on                                           Barrett

Appeals, Board                                               Crawford

Assessors, Board                                             Crawford

Cable Access Advisory                                   Crawford

Capital Facilities Committee                           Dalton

Conservation Commission                              Crawford

Dept. of Public Works                                                Barrett

Finance Committee                                         Barrett

Fire Department                                              Dalton

Golf Course Advisory Committee                  Crawford

Health, Board of                                             Crawford

Historical Commission                                    Crawford

Library                                                                        Barrett

Library Building Comm.                                 Barrett

MAPC                                                             Planning Board (Sievers)

MBTA Advisory Board                                  Crawford

MWRA                                                           LWD (Finegan)

Market Street Advisory                                  Dalton

North Shore Vocational Reg                          Barrett

North Suburban Planning Agency                  Planning Board (Sievers)

Open Space and Recreation                            Crawford

Peabody Municipal Light Dept.                     Crawford

Personnel Board                                              Dalton

Planning Board                                               Dalton

Police Department                                          Dalton

Reading Municipal Light Dept.                      Crawford

Recreation Commission                                  Barrett

Recreation Park Advisory                               Crawford

Recreational Path Comm.                               Dalton

Recycling Committee                                     Crawford

School Department                                         Barrett

Substance Abuse Prevention Coal.                 Crawford                                        

Veterans’ Services                                          Crawford

Zoning Enforcement Department                   Dalton


Board of Selectmen update

Chairman Barrett reviewed the list of goals and action items said that updates will be placed on the Town’s website. He said that the Town is working on the financial transparency and social media goals. He said work on the Middle School track and field should begin in July.


Mr. Boudreau reviewed the list of projects. He said on the matter of quarterly reports of department heads to the Board, that department heads report to the town administrator and that the Board can bring in department heads periodically on specific issues. He noted some departments do not report to the Board, but to their own boards or committees.


On the review of the budget process, Chairman Barrett said he would like to have a special meeting on that topic in July to discuss the Board’s expectations. Mr. Boudreau suggested opening and closing the warranty sooner to give adequate time to review warrant articles.


On the topic of the Community Compact, Mr. Boudreau outlined plans for projects to upgrade the Town’s GIS system and place it on line. The Town received $50,000 to this end in partnership with Wakefield as a joint project. On the topic of possible relocation of the Public Works facility, he said the Board would have to discuss options.


He updated the Board on progress being made in department head and town administrator performance reviews, work on the Town’s social media presence, the Perley Burrill project, the recreational path, the Perry Avenue flooding project (which is awaiting recommendations form the MBTA and action by the state legislature on indemnification), the Longbow Circle drainage project and the Ledge Road/Canterbury Road drainage project, the Capital Facilities Maintenance Committee, the King Rail clubhouse project, and the fields project.


Market Street Advisory Committee

Chairman Barrett said that the Town wants Market Street to succeed but also realizes the impact of the development on the surrounding neighborhood. He submitted a draft of a charge and composition to a new committee, the Market Street Advisory Committee, and reviewed it. He said he hopes this will lead to healthy discussions of Market Street-related issues.


Selectman Dalton said that this is very much needed and that an ongoing dialogue will be helpful. He noted that Precinct 2, in which Market Street resides, rightly is heavily represented and said that it is also important to strike a balance on issues. Chairman Crawford agreed with the proposal and suggested adding a fourth member for Precinct 2. Selectman Dalton said that if the LIFE representative is also from Precinct 2, it might make more sense to add an at-large representative.


Mr. Boudreau said any owners of property abutting the market Street property should check with the State Ethics Commission about whether they can serve on such a committee.


On the motion of Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford, the Board voted unanimously to approve the creation of the Market Street Advisory Committee, and the mission statement and composition as amended, as reflected below:



The mission of the Market Street Advisory Committee is to establish a means of effective and ongoing communication for Lynnfield residents, Town of Lynnfield representatives and WS Development and National Development, the firms that manage Market Street Lynnfield. The result of this communication will lead to better collaboration and a strengthened partnership between all parties involved with Market Street Lynnfield. This Committee will play a critical role in making sure Market Street Lynnfield is a success for the Town of Lynnfield now and in the future. 



The Market Street Advisory Committee will consider and advise on issues and concerns regarding the Market Street Lynnfield development. The Committee will meet regularly to discuss issues and concerns brought to the attention of the Committee. The Market Street Advisory Committee is to appear regularly before the Board of Selectmen to update and advise the Board and Town of Lynnfield on issues and concerns regarding Market Street Lynnfield.   



Precinct 1 (one representative)

Precinct 2 (three representatives)

Precinct 3 (one representative)

Precinct 4 (one representative)

At-large (one representative from Precincts 1, 2, 3 or 4)

Lynnfield Initiatives For Elders (preferably one representative residing in Precinct 2)

Police Chief (or designee when Chief cannot attend)

Fire Chief (or designee when Chief cannot attend) 

DPW Director (or designee when Director cannot attend) 

Planning Board (one representative)

Finance Committee (one representative)



The Market Street Advisory Committee is responsible for conducting its activities in a manner that is in compliance with all relevant State and Local Laws and regulations including, but not limited to the Open Meeting Law, Public Records Law   and Conflict of Interest Law.


Chairman Barrett said that anyone interested in serving should contact the Town Administrator’s office.


Fields project update

Chairman Barrett thanked voters for staying at town meeting until midnight to approve the proposed fields funding article. Selectman Crawford said that the bids on the work will go out at the end of June, with the bids being awarded in late June and work beginning early in July. He said it is hoped the projects will be completed in October. The field will be seeded or sod, if the latter is not too expensive.


Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition

Selectman Crawford said that he has been working for several months on this project after a mandate from the Massachusetts Municipal Association and the governor’s office stating that public officials have to provide leadership to combat the substance abuse epidemic. He said many of the recommendations raised are already being addressed. He said in other areas, Lynnfield can learn from what other communities have put in place. He proposed the creation of a Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition and have members designated as special municipal employees. He said the creation of this group will help the Town obtain grants for this purpose.


Selectman Crawford read a draft mission statement and named the following local leaders as being willing to serve: Director of Curriculum Kevin Cyr, Lynnfield High School Assistant Principal Brain Bates, Schools Director of Nursing Mary Homan, Police Chief David Breen, Fire Chief Mark Tetreault, Town Administrator James Boudreau, and representatives from the Lynnfield Rotary Club and Lahey Health. He said the first step after formulation the coalition is to identify a director. He said that anyone interested in working as part of this coalition should contact the Town Administrator’s office.


Chairman Barrett and Selectman Dalton thanked Selectman Crawford for his work on this matter. Selectman Crawford said resident who are local health professionals have also said they want to be part of this effort. He said that the coalition can have as many members as the Town wishes. Board members agreed this is a very important issue.


Resident Patricia Campbell suggested high school and college students and attorneys could also be helpful. Selectman Crawford said he has spoken to high school administrators about involving student groups.


On the motion of Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford, the Board voted unanimously to establish the Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition with initial membership as listed above.


On the motion of Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford, the Board voted unanimously to designate members of the Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition as special municipal employees.


Recreational Path Committee

Chairman Barrett recused himself from this discussion as his sister lives near the proposed rail trail.


Selectman Dalton said that the engineering firm World Tech will come before the Board in June to provide an update, followed by the Board asking the Department of Transportation and the Metropolitan Area Planning Council coming in to discuss the approval and funding process. Selectman Crawford said the new estimate of the project cost is $9.2 million, which will be updates on the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Listing. He said at a recent meeting of the Massachusetts Planning Office, he was told that projects move up and down based on readiness. He said the Lynnfield project could be moved up if other projects are not ready. It is now listed for 2021.


Ms. Campbell said that the Recreational Path Committee should be looking at all options, not just the existing proposal. Committee member Robert Almy said that the committee is discussing a management plan and will be laying out the review process. He said in the end, the committee makes a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen, which makes the final decision on what plan will be brought forward. Selectman Crawford said the committee will be ready to discuss alternatives and was focused on the current proposal due to the upcoming town meeting vote. He said he favors putting the matter to a vote at a town election. Mr. Almy said the committee is reviewing previous studies of alternative routes.


Resident Vincent Inglese asked about the STIP funding process. Selectman Crawford said a public hearing will be scheduled for Lynnfield residents in the fall as part of the process. Final design may require additional revisions, and funding will be programmed at the state level.


Resident Phil McQueen asked if World Tech will be continuing as the engineering firm for the project. He said that it is required that abutters be contacted. Mr. Boudreau said World Tech is handling one of the engineering components. Wakefield is the lead agency and hires the engineering firm. Lynnfield asked that a novel approach using rail cars be considered for crossing the Reedy Meadow portion of the path; it was concluded that this was not feasible. The state will notify abutters and advertise the required public hearing in Lynnfield. Selectman Dalton said that this hearing will be well publicized.


Recreational Path Committee member Mark McDonough said that he had worked on this committee and its predecessors for over 20 years and other options have been examined. Another option was defeated at a town meeting. A proposed trail would cross Lynnfield Center Water District land, and that organization would not provide permission for the use of its land. Recreational Path Committee members knocked on doors and went to every abutter of the current proposed path. He said there were no problems with World Tech, and that Wakefield is the lead agency because it has engineers on staff.


Chairman Barrett rejoined the Board.


Town Administrator update

Mr. Boudreau said town meeting went well, with a tremendous turnout. He said that the budget revenue estimates were based on the governor’s budget, but the state is running behind on its revenue estimates, which would affect the upcoming fiscal year. He said the Town is conservative in its revenue estimates and should be fine.


On the fields maintenance, he said things are going well but the Board should consider having the Town declare all grass fields closed when rainy weather could cause damage to the fields if used. On the fields project, it will be important to get water to fields that do not have irrigation.


On the GIS project, the Town now has the GIS data available through the Town’s website, and can be searched by name of owner and street address. He credited Town Engineer Charles Richter with his considerable work on this project.


Public comment

Mr. McDonough said that gas prices have come down significantly and there have not been corresponding reductions in the Town’s budget lines for fuel. He suggested with this extra money that the recreational field director position be upgraded to full time due to use of fields on the weekends and the need to unlock gates and keep facilities clean. He suggested the hours match the times the facilities are being used.


Use of Town facilities

On the motion of Selectman Crawford, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request by the Destination Imagination team for the use of the common on May 20, 2017 for a yard sale to fund the team’s trip to the world finals in Knoxville, Tennessee.


On the motion of Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the meeting of April 24, 2017 as presented.


On the motion of Selectman Crawford, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 8:29 p.m.