November 28, 2017 minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Board of Selectmen

November 28, 2017

Regular Session

Merritt Center, 600 Market Street



Christopher Barrett, Chairman


Richard Dalton, Selectman


Philip Crawford, Selectman


Chairman Barrett called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. He announced that the meeting was being recorded for transmission by cable television. He led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Joint meeting with the School Committee to discuss health issues

Chairman Barrett discussed the Healthy Lynnfield initiative and the joint Town and School Department efforts to address substance abuse issues and other issues related to health and well-being of the Town’s residents. He said that this joint meeting is the first of several planned for this purpose.


School Committee member Timothy Doyle and school administrators and personnel discussed the Youth Risk Behavior Survey that was administered in grades 7-12. The survey was last administered in 2014. Funding was supplied by Lahey Health.


Middle School results showed a decrease in the percentages of students who reported being in a car with a driver who had been drinking and students who were being bullied. The High School reported decreases in reports of marijuana use.


Among the survey results:  87 percent of respondents said they have one parent of adult they can talk to about these issues. 2.3 percent of High School students reported driving after drinking compared to 9.4 percent statewide.


Two students reported dating violence last years. School officials contacted law enforcement on these reports. There is a question about how many incidents may go unreported. Seven reports of attempted suicide were reported, and 28 students reported thinking about suicide, with 17 of those making plans around the thought. Middle School students had a higher percentage of reports than High School students. 34 percent of students reported stress about the demands of school.


Selectman Dalton aid he was disturbed by the number of reports of students having weapons and having suicidal thoughts. He asked about the accuracy of the survey. School officials said that a very few students take the survey as a joke but the vast majority take it very seriously. A total of 279 responses were received.


School Committee member Jamie Hayman said the schools are doing a lot, but can do more.


Middle School students reporting smoking and vaping are very low compared to state results. Vaping is much harder to detect, and is perceived as less harmful and less expensive. The Middle School curriculum will address this issue. Middle School students reporting use of alcohol is much lower than the regional average. Alcohol use at the High School is significant, but lower than the regional average. 7.3 percent of respondents reported being offered alcohol at school last year.


Five Middle School students reported sexual activity; all used condoms. 19.3 percent of High School students reported being sexually active. 7.5 percent of students reported buying condoms; the Middlesex League average was 44.2 percent. Other school districts offer more comprehensive sex education programs.


One-third of Middle School students reported playing video games for three or more hours per school day, which is lower than the regional average.


School officials reported recommended actions to be taken at the Middle School and High School as a result of the survey and other data (see attached document).


Chairman Barrett said this was a powerful presentation. As a former member of the School Committee, he knows the efforts made to address the social and emotional needs of students and said he hopes that the measures recommended can be addressed in the budget. Selectman Crawford said that a curriculum for the schools and community is being designed, and that a parent survey is also planned.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that the joint meeting be adjourned. Vote was unanimous.


The joint meeting adjourned at 8:53 p.m.


Joint meeting with Planning Board to fill vacancy

MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that Chairman Barrett be named co-chair of the joint meeting. Vote was unanimous.


Chairman Barrett thanked Heather Sievers for her service to the Planning Board. Ms. Sievers’s resignation caused the vacancy to be filled by the joint meeting.


Three residents were interviewed by the joint meeting.


Resident Jason Miceli reviewed his background in construction, budgeting and project management. He as worked n a company that advised cool districts on infrastructure projects. He said he wished to get more involved with the Town.


Resident Alan Dresios has served in several capacities in Town since 1987, including as a selectman, Planning Board member and Conservation Commission member. He said he has provided many great ideas at no cost to the Town. He reviewed his work in the groundwater protection district bylaw, implementation of the design review fee, securing a grant to purchase 38 acres in reedy meadow, and his work on the Route 128/95/1 corridor advisory committee, as well as efforts traffic analysis, the Mansfield Road/Gianna Drive land swap, buffer zones between commercial and residential properties, and other bylaws and regulations adopted by the Town.


Resident Scott Gromko moved to Lynnfield in 2014 and is involved in youth sports and activities. He was not raised in Lynnfield, but his grandmother lived here for 35 years so he is familiar with the Town. He works in the field of project and program management. He said he understands the challenges the Planning Board faces and wants to improve the Town’s quality of life and meet the needs of its changing population. He said he a “common-sense environmentalist.”


Chairman Barrett said it was good to see several candidates step forward with great experience. He said the decision would be difficult for all involved. He said he is looking to involved more people with Town government.


MOTION by Chairman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton: I move that Scott Gromko be appointed to the Planning Board for a term to expire on April 9, 2018.


MOTION by Planning Board Chairman John Faria, duly seconded by Planning Board members Charles Wills: I move that Alan Dresios be appointed to the Planning Board for a term to expire on April 9, 2018.


Mr. Faria said along with the efforts detailed by Mr. Dresios in his interview, he also put countless hours into the zoning bylaw recodification project. He said Mr. Dresios is a workhorse who knows more about the Town and planning issues than anyone else. He said the Board needs someone with his experience, depth of knowledge and dedication. He said he would find it hard to function as chairman without Mr. Dresios’s assistance. He said while the two do not always agree, he values the different perspective Mr. Dresios brings and the solutions he offers.


Planning Board member Charles Wills said that Mr. Dresios brings another viewpoint o the table. As a developer, Mr. Wills said while he found Mr., Dresios a fussy guy to face as a developer, he was never afraid to ask questions and brought different points of view. He said that he endorsed Mr., Dresios’s appointment wholeheartedly.


Chairman Barrett said he has great confidence in the Planning Board and said he believes Scott Gromko’s management skills will be an asset and that it is time to involve new volunteers/


VOTE: On a vote of four for Gromko and two for Dresios, Chairman Barret’s motion was passed.


MOTION: By Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move the joint meeting be adjourned. Vote was unanimous.


The joint meeting was adjourned at 9:17 p.m.


Appointment to Town Administrator Search Committee

MOTION: By Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that Gerard Noumi be appointed as alternate member of the Town Administrator Search Committee. Vote was unanimous.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move the Board adjourn. Vote was unanimous.


The Board adjourned at 9:10 p.m.