November 6, 2017 minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, November 6, 2017

Board of Selectmen

November 6, 2017

Regular Session

Merritt Center, 600 Market Street



Christopher Barrett, Chairman


Richard Dalton, Selectman


Philip Crawford, Selectman


Chairman Barrett called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. He announced that the meeting was being recorded for transmission by cable television. He led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Jordan Park Eagle Scout project

Boys Scout Troop 48 member Jack Madden is planning to beautify and refurbish the memorial to Lt. Allen H. Jordan, USMC, who perished in the Viet Nam Conflict, as part of his Eagle Scout project. He is seeking formal permission to conduct the work proposed. He explained the project to the Board.


Chairman Barrett said that when the work is done to honor Lt. Jordan on Jordan Road and at Jordan Park, Mr. Madden’s work will be acknowledged. Mr. Madden is working with the Department of Public Works on the project and will coordinate any work with that department


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that the Board approve the proposed work at Jordan Park as proposed in Mr. Madden’s Eagle Scout project. Vote was unanimous.


Turkey Trot road race

Dr. Schumacher of the Rotary Club discussed the Rotary Turkey Trot road race and stated that proceeds from the race would benefit Healthy Lynnfield and scholarships for Lynnfield students. He related a personal story of a family member who has experienced substance abuse issues and took his own life.


Chairman Barrett read a proclamation from the Board for the event.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that the Board approve the use of Town streets for the Turkey Trot road race. Vote was unanimous.


Selectmen update

Perley Burrill (Selectman Crawford): Chairman Barrett recused himself from the portion of the meeting regarding the Perley Burrill property, as he owns property abutting that site.  He sat in the audience during this portion of the meeting and rejoined the Board at the conclusion of the discussion.


Selectman Crawford said that the clean-up of the project has been completed and that the Town is working on a two-lot subdivision plan to put before the Planning Board in order to put the property up to bid for development.


Resident Joseph Duhaime asked about the plans for two house lots. Selectman Crawford said that the Town is working on the engineering of the two-lot subdivision plan, and would seek to recoup at a minimum the taxes owed on the property and the Town’s work on the cleanup and engineering, which totals about $400,000. He said an approved subdivision would increase the value of the land to prospective buyers.


He said he hoped to have the plan ready for the Planning Board’s January meeting. He said the Planning Board seemed in favor of the concept but must see the fully engineered plan.


Mr. Duhaime said two house lots would be ideal. Selectman Crawford said that two abutting lots were redeemed by the owner and transferred to another party and are not part of this plan. Asked if these lots are buildable, Selectman Crawford said one may be buildable but it is not in the Town’s control. Mr. Duhaime said he is concerned about the adjoining lots, and said he would like to see a deed restriction placed on the property to prevent the use of adjoining lots to create additional buildable lots at the Perley Burrill site.


Selectman Crawford said that such a deed restriction could be considered, but it may reduce the value of the property and the sales price. Mr. Duhaime said that the Town recently agreed to sell a small lot on Witham Street with a deed restriction in which that property could not be built upon or used to create a new buildable lot.


Mr. Duhaime asked how to proceed with a request for a deed restriction. He said the neighbors are concerned about the additional traffic and other issues that would be related to additional buildable lots at the site. Selectman Crawford said to send the request to Town Hall and that he would review it with town counsel.


Selectman Dalton said he has heard these concerns raised by neighbors and said that a lack of communication has been an issue. He said that a meeting should be held prior to the Planning Board hearing to discuss these matters and reach a plan of action that with which the neighbors would be happy. Mr. Duhaime agreed.


Union Hospital (Selectman Crawford): Selectman Crawford said that he met with the new president of North Shore Medical Center along with Town Counsel Thomas Mullen and Town Administrator James Boudreau last week. He said there is no plan to keep an emergency room at Union Hospital, but said that an urgent care and primary care units would remain. Selectman Crawford said Lynnfield was denied participation in the committee studying the proposed closing. He noted that closing the ER at Union would mean a much longer trip for Lynnfield residents seeking emergency services.


Healthy Lynnfield (Selectman Crawford): The Health Lynnfield Coalition now has 40-45 active members and has been publicized by articles in tie newspapers. Several programs and resources will be provided.


Market Street Advisory Committee (Selectman Dalton): Subcommittees on noise and the berm have been meeting and new plantings on the berm are planned. A good resolution was reached in noise. The dialogue between the nm=management and neighbors has been improved.


Senior Center Advisory Committee (Chairman Barrett): The first committee meeting was held last month. Several issues were raised raised and subcommittees on finance, safety, health, transportation, recreation and housing are being created. The next meeting is on November 15.


Request for additional hours on December 22-23, Whole Foods Market, Market Street

Whole Food Market is requesting extended hours to accommodate its patrons on December 22 and 23 as indicated in its letter to the Board. The store wishes to be open from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. on December 22 and remain open to 11:00 p.m. on December 23. Police Chief David Breen has recommended the extended hours on a trial basis this year. Store manager Bill Ford explained the request. Mr. Boudreau said the additional hours on December 23 have been approved previously for Market Street as a whole.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford:  I move that the Board allow extended hours of operation at Whole Foods as Follows: from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. on December 22. Existing hours of sale of alcohol will remain in force. Vote was unanimous.


Request for extended hours from IT’SUGAR, Market Street, year-round Monday-Saturday to 11:00 p.m.

Market Street is requesting an amendment of the Development Agreement governing hours of operation for a specific store owner.  It’s Sugar is seeking to remain open year-round until 11:00 p.m. Monday-Saturday. Under the existing hours of operation section of the development agreement, retail stores must close at 10:00 p.m. on those days.


Market Street General Manager Nanci Horn stated that the store wishes the additional hours to accommodate diners at Market Street restaurants.


The Board chose to table the matter, noting the extended hours are allowed for all Market Street retailers during the holiday season.


Request for additional hours on November 22 from Kings, Market Street

Kings Bowl is seeking additional hours on Wednesday, November 22, the night before Thanksgiving. Kings usually closes at 11:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. 


Market Street General Manager Nanci Horn aid this is a busy night for restaurants. Police Chief Breen expressed concerns about excessive drinking on the night before Thanksgiving. He said a detail for those hours may be difficult to fill. He noted other establishments could make the same request and said he sees no benefit to the community. He recommended against granting the additional hours.


Board members expressed similar concerns, although they said Kings is a well-run establishment.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford:  I move that the Board deny the request for extended hours of operation at Kings on November 23. Vote was unanimous.


PROPOSED MOTION: I move that the Board vote allow extended hours at Kings, Market Street, on November 22, 2017, with a closing time of 1:00 a.m.


Amendment regarding legislation for the sale of 630 Salem Street to the American Legion Post

Mr. Boudreau explained that counsel for the House of Representatives has requested some revisions in the language for the proposed legislation approved by town meeting in October. Town Counsel has reviewed the proposed changes.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford:  I move pursuant to the vote under Article 13 of the Town Meeting Warrant of October 16, 2017, authorizing the Board to petition the General Court for special legislation to sell the real property known and numbered as 630 Salem Street, Lynnfield, MA to the Lynnfield American Legion for the sum of $1, that the following revisions in the said legislation which have been requested by counsel for the General Court, being constructive changes that the Board deems necessary or advisable in perfecting the intent of the said article in order to secure passage, be hereby adopted and approved. The vote was unanimous.


Resignation of Town Administrator; Interim Town Administrator

Town Administrator James Boudreau has submitted his letter of resignation to the Board. His final day will be December 31, 2017. His final effective day of work, prior to vacation, will be December 15, 2017.


Chairman Barrett said that Mr. Boudreau’s departure for the same position in Scituate will be a loss for the Town. He said he has been a tremendous asset and thanked him for his service.


Mr. Boudreau said that when he accepted the Lynnfield position he had planned to relocate his family to this area, but this was not possible due to family circumstances. He offered praise for the Board, the residents and the Town’s volunteers and employees. He said the Scituate post was the only position he has applied for during his tenure here.


Selectman Dalton said the Board appreciates Mr. Boudreau’s contributions over his tenure and understands his wish to work closer to his home. Selectman Crawford said he was a member of the Board that hired Mr. Boudreau and said that while he had planned to retire from this position; his family needs rightly come first. He offered his best wishes and thanks for his work here, noting the achievements on the Perley Burrill, Center Farms and fields projects, as well as employee bargaining unit contracts and new hires.


MOTION by Selectman Crawford, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton: I move that the Board vote to receive with regret the letter of resignation of Town Administrator James Boudreau as submitted. Vote was unanimous.


Chairman Barrett said that an effective transition plan is needed. He said that Assistant to Administration Robert Curtin could fill in effectively as Interim Town Administrator, and that he had heard from department heads who recommended this course. Selectman Dalton said he would be comfortable with this recommendation due to the reputation Mr. Curtin enjoys. Selectman Crawford said he is also in favor of this proposal but said he wished to limit the appointment for a certain term, as a pool of veteran retired town administrators would be available if the search becomes protracted.  He said that development of the budget is a major task and that having only one person handling both positions is a daunting task. He said the search process could take three to four months.


Chairman Barrett said he is confident that process will not be prolonged and that Mr. Curtin will have support from his fellow Town Hall employees. He said Assistant Director of Finance Julianne McCarthy will be working with the interim town administrator on budget issues. Mr. Boudreau said he should have most of the budget recommendation completed before he leaves.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that Robert Curtin be appointed interim town administrator, effective December 15, 2017. Vote was unanimous.


The Board should discuss the appointment of an interim town administrator to serve from Mr. Boudreau final effective day of work until the hiring of a permanent Town Administrator.


Town Administrator Search Consultant

The Town Administrator and Chairman have discussed the use of a search firm to assist the Board and its volunteer Town Administrator Search Committee with its efforts. The Town has received a proposal from Community Paradigm Associates and said the representative of that firm will meet with the Board on Wednesday night.


Town Administrator Update:

Mr. Boudreau provided very brief updates on several projects and issues, including budget preparation, department head evaluations, information technology regionalization, flooding prevention, the golf clubhouse project and upgrading the trailer for next year, the Middle School athletic fields project, and the rail trail project. He said that he and Robert Almy met with the Department of Transportation on the rail trail proposal, and was told the state would provide funding and does not favor breaking the project into Lynnfield and Wakefield components. Selectman Dalton said that the state will cover the cost of work reflected by the bids on the project.


Public Comment

There was no public comment.


Use of Town Facilities

MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move the Board approve the use of common by Recreation Commission for Tree Lighting Ceremony on December 2. Vote was unanimous.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move the Board approve the use of common by for the Veterans Day observance on November 10. Vote was unanimous.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move the Board adjourn. Vote was unanimous.


The Board adjourned at 8:10 p.m.