October 16, 2017 minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, October 16, 2017

Board of Selectmen

October 16, 2017

Regular Session

Teachers’ cafeteria, Lynnfield Middle School, Main Street



Christopher Barrett, Chairman


Richard Dalton, Selectman


Philip Crawford, Selectman


Chairman Barrett called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. He led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Recommendation on Town Meeting Warrant Articles

The Board can vote to recommend certain town meeting warrant articles, and may defer others to its meeting just prior to town meeting on October 16.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move to recommend Article 1, with an appropriation of $2,252.02 for the payment of overdue bills. Vote was unanimous.


Town Administrator James Boudreau and Town Accountant Julianne McCarthy have worked with department heads to identify areas in which additional funds are needed in certain line items. The most significant increases are for the Perley Burrill clean-up project, where costs were greater than the original estimates, police patrolman overtime, due to two officers out on leave, and contractual bus services. Funding for these items will come from a combination of free cash and transfers from other line items where expenditures are not expected to reach the appropriation.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move to recommend approval of Article 2 with the transfers of funds as indicated on the prepared town meeting handout sheet. Vote was unanimous.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move to recommend approval of Article 6. Vote was unanimous.


Board members chose to defer recommendation on the three articles related to the recodification of the zoning bylaws until the Planning Board made its finals recommendation.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move to defer recommendation on Articles 7, 8 and 9. Vote was unanimous.


Personnel Board proposed social media, workplace violence and whistleblower policies

In preparation for Town Meeting, the Personnel Board has been working on a revised Personnel Bylaw and has, with Town Administrator Boudreau, drafted new policies and reviewed existing policies.


Mr. Boudreau reviewed the new proposed policies for Social Media Use, Whistleblower, and Workplace Violence. Town Counsel Thomas Mullen has also reviewed these policies.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that the Board approve the Social Media Use policy as submitted. Vote was unanimous,


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that the Board approve the Whistleblower policy as submitted. Vote was unanimous.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that the Board approve the Workplace Violence policy as submitted. Vote was unanimous.


Plowing of private drive at Pyburn Mews development

Residents at the Pyburn Mews condominium development have asked that the Town plow the main driveway into the complex up to the turnaround. They have noted that plows travel up the drive to turn around while plowing the accepted roadway. The Board has in the past rejected a request for the Town to accept the roadway, as the special permit issued for the development under the Chapter 40B process made it clear that the owners would be responsible for maintenance of the roadway and the bridge.


Mr. Boudreau has asked Town Counsel to draft an agreement in which the Pyburn Mews trust would agree that the Town is not responsible for any damage to its property due to plowing operations.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that the Board direct the Department of Public Works to plow the driveway at Pyburn Mews up to the turnaround subject to a written agreement signed by the Pyburn Mews Board of Trustees and the Town agreeing that the Town will not be liable for any damage to property that results from plowing. Vote was unanimous.


Declaration of 630 Salem Street as excess property

Town meeting will consider a warrant article authorizing the Town to sell 630 Salem Street, the former South Branch Library, to the American Legion subject to various conditions. Before the Board can sell such property, the Town has to declare the property as surplus. Town boards and departments were advised of this in a memo several months ago and none raised objection to the proposal.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that the Board declare 630 Salem Street, the former South Branch Library and its grounds, to be surplus property. Vote was unanimous.


Town Administrator search committee and process

Mr. Boudreau has not reached an agreement with Scituate and has not given the Town notice of his leaving. Chairman Barrett said that it is important that the Town move quickly to find a permanent replacement. He recommended the creation of a seven-member Town Administrator Search Committee, with one alternate, to assist with the process. He said he spoke to seven residents who represent various segments of the community who are well known for their civic involvement.


Membership would be Chairman Barrett, Moderator Arthur Bourque, former Selectman David Nelson, former Finance Committee member David Basile, residents Donna Hegan and Natasha Anderson, and School Committee and Recreation Commission member Richard Sjoberg. Finance Committee member Gene Covino would serve as the alternate member. He reviewed the credentials of the proposed candidates. Selectman Dalton and Selectman Crawford praised the selection of candidates. Selectman Crawford asked if Chairman Barrett had reached out to former Selectman Robert Whalen, given his experience in the employment field. Chairman Barrett said he was seeking to create a balance in the committee. All have agreed to serve.


Chairman Barrett and Selectman Dalton agreed that the process should move quickly. Selectman Crawford also recommended that the Town hire a firm to assist in the process, as these professionals have contacts and can recruit candidates. He said the Town benefited from the services of MMA and its principal, Mark Morse, during the last town administrator search.


Mr. Boudreau said that there are funds in the professional services line item to fund this cost. If additional funds are needed to finish out the year for other projects, a transfer can be sought at the annual town meeting. He estimated the cost at $10,000 to $15,000, depending on the scope.


Chairman Barrett said the committee should work to identify and recommend three finalists to be considered by the Board.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that the Board create the Town Administrator Search Committee, to be made up of the seven members and one alternate member as outlined by Chairman Barrett, who will serve as temporary chairman of the new committee. The vote was unanimous.


Selectmen Update:

Senior Citizen Advisory Committee (Chairman Barrett): The committee will meet on October 19 at the Senior Center.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move the Board recess until the start of town meeting. Vote was unanimous.


The Board adjourned at the close of town meeting.