September 3, 2020 minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, September 3, 2020

Board of Selectmen

September 3, 2020

Regular Session

Conducted remotely via Zoom



Christopher Barrett, Chairman


Philip Crawford, Selectman


Richard Dalton, Selectman


Chairman Barrett called meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. He announced it was being recorded via Zoom, for cable television transmission.


Interview for Historical Commission position

Abigail Kilgore has applied for a position on the Historical Commission. The Board received a letter from Chairman Kirk Mansfield recommending Ms. Kilgore for the position.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that the Board vote to appoint Abigail Kilgore to the Historical Commission for a term to expire on June 30, 2021. Vote was unanimous.


Dock application, 1 Colonial Road

Bryce Foote has submitted an application for a dock permit for his property at 1 Colonial Road. His application has been reviewed by the Conservation Commission which raised no objections. He has paid the $2 application fee.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that the Board vote to grant the application for a dock license at 1 Colonial Road. Vote was unanimous.


Discussion of proposed gazebo and common project

The Board has voted to approve the concept of the placement of a gazebo on the Town Common. The Historical Society has come forward to donate the materials for the gazebo and to work with the Town to arrange for a firm to volunteer to construct the gazebo. The common improvements program must be sent to bid in the next week to allow for work to take place this fall. The plans for the gazebo are not finalized. The Historical Commission and Historical Society were invited to attend to discuss the matter.


Town Administrator Robert Dalton outlined the plans to improve electrical services, lighting, landscaping, handicapped access and pathways at the common. He said he met with members of the Historical Commission recently to emphasize the need for a final plan for the gazebo; he said none was ready. He said failure to move forward on bidding next week would push the project out to 2021.


Public Works Director John Tomasz said the plan is to complete the improvements and install sod in the fall. Chairman Barrett said he knows of the goodwill of both historical groups and said this will give the Town a chance to improve the common and provide a more suitable stage for events. Town meeting funded the renovation project at $200,000.


Roy Sorli of the Historical Commission said the Commission wants the gazebo; Mr. Dolan said the Town would put in the pad for the gazebo if a plan is agreed upon. He said he cannot recommend moving forward with the gazebo without a plan.


Linda Gillon of the Historical Society said everything is lined up and ready to go with the prospective contractor. There was some discussion about the size of the pad required. Mr. Dolan said members of the historical groups had not reached agreement on the gazebo design as of his last meeting with them. Mr. Tomasz said that the shape of the pad would be based on the dimensions of the gazebo.


Robert Gillon said the Historical Society was working with Town Engineer Charles Richter for two months on the pad issue. He said local contractor Gary Hathaway was planning to build the gazebo with assistance from students from the North Shore Technical School. It is now unclear whether that can happen because of the COVID pandemic and its effect on schools. Mr. Tomasz said that the pad location and size would affect walkways, electric service and irrigation issues.


Mr. Dolan said that he has been clear that the historical groups had 30 days prior to this meeting to agree on a final plan for the design and construction of the gazebo. He said he could not recommend including the gazebo in the common project without a final plan. He said the Board has to choose between moving forward and waiting another year.


Chairman Barrett and Selectman Dalton said they were not comfortable moving forward with a pad without a gazebo plan. Mr. Dalton said he would prefer to see the gazebo located across the street for the common, as it is out of scale for the common. Selectman Crawford agreed. He said the Board’s approval was voted seven years ago, and since that time there have been several iterations of the plan. He said he has no confidence a final plan will be ready.


Mr. Gillon said he thought a commitment to fund the gazebo was sufficient. He said there are designs a specifications. He said quotes on the cost were up to $75,000. Mr. Sorli said he is fine with the gazebo being located across the street.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that the Board proceed to bid on the common project with the inclusion of a pad for a gazebo. Vote was unanimous.


Ms. Gillon read a statement that said the Historical Society was saddened by the inability to move forward on the gazebo, and recounted the efforts made to obtain plans, identify a contractor and fabricate components. She said the Historical Society is ready to revisit the issue and any time in the future.


Chairman Barrett said all involved want what is best for the common.




Request for executive session under Mass. General Laws Chapter 30A, Section 21 (A) (3) to discuss bargaining strategy with non-union personnel for which an open discussion may adversely affect the Town’s negotiating position

MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that the Board vote to enter Executive Session under G.L. c. 30A, s. 21(a)(3) to discuss bargaining strategy with non-union personnel.


Roll call vote: Dalton – yes; Crawford – yes; Barrett – yes.


Chairman Barrett announced that the Board does not intend to resume public session.


The Board entered executive session at 5:33 p.m. and adjourned at 6:11 p.m.