SCEC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Friday, August 31, 2018

School Enrollment and Capacity Exploration Committee (SECE)


Date: Friday, August 31, 2018                                               Time: 10:00 a.m.


Location: School Dept., Central Office, 525 Salem Street


In Attendance:       John Scenna, Chairman (JS)

Tim Doyle, School Committee (TD)

Robert Dolan, Town Administrator (RD)

Jane Tremblay, Superintendent of Schools (JT)

Kathryn Price (KP)

Gary Romano (GR)

John Tomasz (JT)


Not present:           Chris Barrett, Board of Selectmen

Robert Priestley, Finance Committee (RP)

Arthur Swanson


Public Participation: There were no other members of the public present.


Meeting Topics


There were no members of the public that attended the meeting. There was also no information sent by the public to share with Committee members.


Prior meeting minutes were reviewed and approved. Placed on File


Chairman Scenna opened up the meeting by asking Gary Romano to review the report prepared by his firm, Civitas Strategies, pro bono. GR reviewed the scope of the study (which is attached). While NESDEC has been commissioned to implement a more in-depth study of the entire potential school-aged population, his firm measured around the preschool student pipeline (i.e., children currently aged 0-5). Two methods were used to collect data, a survey shared virally with parents and outreach to area preschools on their likely Lynnfield students. GR noted that the methodology was sound, but may not be accurate. Though the number of students predicted for a given Kindergarten class may not be correct, the trends are likely. To that end, GR noted that the class of 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 were likely to be as large or larger than any in the past five years.


In the discussion of the report, the Jane Tremblay and Tim Doyle noted that the class sizes for 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 were likely to be large but not as large as shown in the study. Robert Dolan noted that he was working with NESDEC to refine the assumptions driving the estimates in their study and would share the Civitas Strategies data to help inform their work. Further, RD noted that he was working with NESDEC to create more realistic scenarios for growth as new building is likely to be minimal or at least less than previously thought. Kathryn Price noted that numbers from Tower Day School were not included in the Civitas Strategies study (they had not responded with data) and that due to their size including them was important. KP took the action item to glean data from Tower Day School for inclusion in the Civitas Strategies Study.


The Committee members turned to examining possible solutions knowing that further analysis would be pending the results of the NESDEC study. GR asked JT if class size could be increased even though he did not agree with the strategy. JT and TD stated that keeping class size low was a core commitment of the School District and therefore there was no flexibility for increases. A brief discussion then ensued about other space strategies that could be implemented within existing space including Art and Music on the Cart, a decision that ultimately will turn existing music and art classes into classroom space and bring those programs into the classroom. While these are ultimately School Committee decisions, it was a healthy discussion amongst those attending as possible ways to combat growing school enrollment.


Chairman John Scenna and John Tomaz then reviewed their analysis of the Huckleberry and Summer Street School site plans. JS made it clear that their effort was still pending more information, such as overlaying town zoning requirements with the site plans. The plan presented did show the existing elementary school buildings and septic systems. RD expects this to be finalized by the Town Engineer prior to the next meeting. However, a discussion did continue in regards to possible options for building additions and/or modular classroom additions to both sites. Although limited in size and location, it appears there are some options that could be further studied by contracting with an architect and site engineer. The sites both pose obstacles (i.e. playground locations, contour and elevations, ledge) but options could be explored. Less concern was expressed by JT and JT about space beyond the elementary schools since the middle and high schools have additional room within their existing buildings. The middle school has open pockets between classrooms that could be turned into classrooms if needed. This will be further explored. The item was tabled for further discussion once the plans are completed.


The NESDEC study was nearing completion. RD will review it initially with JT and JS and then it will be presented to the Committee for review at our next meet with representatives from NESDEC in attendance.


RD noted that Chris Barrett requested evening meetings in the future due to conflicts with the requirements of his job. The Committee agreed and set two future meetings. First, the Committee will meet on September 24, 2018 at 7 PM to review the results of the NESDEC study. Second, the Committee will meet on October 16, 2018 at 7 PM to deliberate on the data presented by NESDEC and possible strategies to address growth in the student population if needed. RD committed to send calendar invitations to the Committee members.




John Scenna, Chairman