April 26, 2021 meeting

Meeting date: 
Monday, April 26, 2021

Select Board

April 26, 2021

Regular Session

Remote via Zoom



Richard Dalton, Chair


Philip Crawford, Vice Chair

Joseph Connell, Member




Chair Dalton called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. He announced that the meeting was being recorded for cable television via Zoom.


Interviews and selection of Lynnfield Housing Authority tenant member

The Commonwealth has revised the manner in which members of a municipal Housing Authority are selected in a Town. Each member serves a five-year term. One of the five members is appointed by the Governor. Three are elected by voters at annual Town election. The fifth is a tenant representative appointed by the Select Board from two nominees presented by the Housing Authority’s tenant organization. The organization has provided two nominees; Susan Morgese, who is an incumbent Housing Authority member, and Cheryl Powell. Both reside at Colonial Gardens on Ross Drive and are present for brief interviews by the Board. Ms. Morgese remarked that she has enjoyed her time on the board, is happy with how well the board works on behalf of the Housing Authority and would like to continue in that role. Ms. Powell remarked that she is pleased to have been nominated and that she would like to be considered for selection as a board member. Executive Director Daniel McIntyre indicated that he was pleased with the State’s change in process for selecting new members. Mr. Crawford and Mr. Connell both thanked the applicants for their interest and willingness to serve.


MOTION by Selectman Crawford, seconded by Selectman Connell: I move that the Board vote to approve Susan Morgese to the Lynnfield Housing Authority for a five-year term to expire on April 26, 2026. Vote was unanimous.


Common victualler application, The Okipoke, 1205 Market Street

Tao Zheng, from Okipoke was on hand to answer any questions. The restaurant has also applied for the necessary Food Permit from the Board of Health, and the annual fee of $50 has been paid. This is a Hawaiian fast-food restaurant, and his third location. Mr.Crawford and Mr. Connell both agreed that Okipoke was a nice addition to the MarketStreet mix and wished Mr. Zheng good luck.


MOTION by Selectman Crawford, duly seconded by Selectman Connell: I move that the Board vote to approve the common victualler license application for The Okipoke, 1205 Market Street. Vote was unanimous.


School FY 2022 budget presentation

Superintendent of Schools Kristen Vogel, School Committee Chair Rich Sjoberg, Director of Finance and Operations Thomas Geary, and Director of Student Services Roberta Keene presented the FY22 School Department budget request. Ms. Vogel summarized the district’s mission statement and district strategy. She noted the academic and extra-curricular distinctions over the year. She also emphasized the social and emotional challenges that students have faced during the pandemic.


Ms. Vogel’s budget includes 4 new staff positions. She reviewed the SPED costs for out-of district tuition and contracted services, and the district’s technology costs. The budget summary reflects a 3.38% increase. Mr. Crawford thanked Ms. Vogel for her efforts given the challenges over the past year during the pandemic. Mr. Connell agreed with Mr. Crawford, particularly noting the importance of the four “tent poles” from Ms. Vogel’s presentation.


Select Board Goals for 2021-2022

Chair Dalton began the discussion by summarizing his proposed goals for 2021-22 year. He led by expressing concerns for the continued pandemic, in particular relative to the start of the upcoming school year. He praised the work by Chief Davis as Emergency Management Director. He thanked LCWD Director John Scenna for his work on the schools’ expansion project, noting the recent hiring of a project manager for that work. He said that the expectations are that the projects will be completed on time, that the outreach to neighbors has been positive and that there will be challenges such as the rising costs of building materials. Mr. Dalton said that an assessment firm has been hired for the appointment process for a new police chief. Mr. Dalton also noted the general challenge of needing to balance property rights with preservation of open space, with such relevant projects presented by Richardson Green and Sagamore Golf Course. He added that there is a critical need to address the Centre stores plaza property. Other issues to address are the stimulus funds, traffic safety throughout the town, a Veterans Memorial upgrade and installation and cemetery planning.


Mr. Dalton remarked on the successful renovation of the Town Common. He added that a group has come forward to spearhead the restoration of the bell on the Common. He mentioned that the Historical Commission will request adding some signage to identify the historical structures in the town center, and that the Commission has begun the renovation of the Pope-Richardson house. Additionally, proposed for spring Town Meeting will be consideration of an ESCO plan as proposed by the DPW to build, manage, and finance an inventory of sub-systems across various facilities in town. The application is in for the second phase of the Complete Streets grant. The public safety building feasibility study will be completed this summer. A contract has just been executed with Wakefield for the rail trail, with have the design component to be completed this year and construction ready. Some regulatory issues will need to be addressed this year. Mr. Dolan added that Lynnfield is still on the TIP and on track for 2024. Mr. Dalton asked for an update on the library project, to which Mr. Dolan said it is still 5-6 years out. The King Rail Golf project should be re-examined in light of costs that appear to reflect overdesign. Mr. Dalton also wanted to make outreach to seniors regarding tax relief more of a priority, saying that many residents are unaware of tax assistance the Town can provide. Mr. Dolan reminded the Board that a real estate tax deferral program does exist and is available for anyone needing relief.  He invited anyone to come to speak with him confidentially, so that the best plan can be provided.


Appointment of liaisons and Select Board representatives to ad hoc committees

Chairman Dalton provided a listing of his liaison appointments. Mr. Dalton and Mr. Crawford thanked Mr. Connell for his previous volunteer efforts leading the Strategic Planning Committee (now eliminated having served its purpose). The Select Board needs to vote on the appointments of Select Board members with voting rights on the School Building Committee and on the Library Building Committee.


MOTION by Selectman Crawford, duly seconded by Selectman Connell: I move that the Board vote to appoint Richard Dalton as Select Board representative on the School Building Committee and Joseph Connell as Select Board representative on the Library Building Committee. Vote was unanimous.


Proclamation: Arbor Day

The annual Arbor Day proclamation is prepared. This proclamation is part of the Town’s annual application for Tree City USA status. Beth Aronson of the Tree Committee noted that this year, Lynnfield is a first-time recipient of the Arbor Day Foundation’s prestigious Growth Award, in addition to being designated again as a Tree City. She invited Board members to the Saturday, May 1 celebration at Town Hall for the planting of a new Tulip tree. She also noted the launch of the Tree Committee’s 1,000 TREES program, the objective of which is to plant 1000 trees over the course of one year. Residents can plant trees on their private properties, and also donate trees to the Town for planting on public property.


MOTION by Selectman Crawford, duly seconded by Selectman Connell: I move that the Board vote to adopt the Arbor Day proclamation as presented. Vote was unanimous.


Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics

Mr. Crawford provided a brief history of the reasoning behind Board adoption of both Codes, and the importance of revisiting them each year, particularly for new member onboarding. Chair Dalton suggested an amendment in the Code of Conduct, so that constituent complaints be directed to the Town Administrator, rather than to town liaisons. For the Code of Ethics, Mr. Dalton pointed out a grammatical error to be corrected.


MOTION by Selectman Crawford, duly seconded by Selectman Connell: I move that the Board vote to affirm the Code of Conduct for Board members, as amended. Vote was unanimous.


MOTION by Selectman Crawford, duly seconded by Selectman Connell: I move that the Board vote to affirm the Code of Ethics for Board and Committee members and Town employees, as amended. Vote was unanimous.


MOTION by Selectman Crawford, duly seconded by Selectman Connell: I move that the meeting be adjourned. Vote was unanimous.


Meeting adjourned at 7:27pm.