August 18, 2021 joint meeting

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Select Board

August 18, 2021

Regular Session


Merritt Center, Market Street




Richard Dalton, Chair



Philip Crawford, Vice Chair



Joseph Connell, Member




Chair Dalton called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. He announced that the meeting was being recorded for cable television telecast. He also announced the Mr. Connell was participating remotely by telephone, in accordance with the Board’s remote participation policy.


School Committee members:

Rich Sjoberg, Chair

Stacy Dahlstedt, Vice Chair 

Kate DePrizio

Phil McQueen

Jamie Hayman


Board of Health members:

Dr. Rocco Iocco, Chair          

Dr. Gail Link McCausland, Vice Chair         

Dr. Kelly Migliero


Overview of Joint Meeting

Mr. Dalton provided an overview of the meeting and explained that joint meetings are not that common aside from meeting with the School Committee annually on the operating budget for the year or building projects.  Mr. Dalton added that the Board of Health very rarely meets in joint sessions unless it is regarding a major public health issue.  The Select Board Chair stated that any action taken this evening affecting the School District will be voted on by the School Committee and any action taken this evening affecting Town facilities and employees will be voted on by the Select Board.  Mr. Dalton explained the Board of Health plays a unique role in this evening's proceedings as they have the authority to issue an order superseding a vote of the School Committee or the Select Board.  Mr. Dalton explained that the Emergency Management Team meets on a regular basis, not just on COVID related issues but a variety of other issues that can potentially have a negative impact on our residents.


Mr. Dalton, began with the introductions around the table with the joint board members present which included by order Toni Rebelo, Nurse Coordinator for the Lynnfield Public Schools, Dr. Rocco Iocco, Chair of Board of Health, Dr. Gail McCausland, Vice Chair of Board of Health, Kelly Migliero of Board of Health, Bob Curtin, Assistant Town Administrator, Rob Dolan, Town Administrator, Dick Dalton, Chair of Board of Selectmen, Phil Crawford of  Board of Selectmen, Glenn Davis, Fire Chief and Emergency Management Director, Kristen Vogel, Superintendent of Schools, Rich Sjoberg, Chair of School Committee, Stacy Dahlstedt, Vice Chair of School Committee, Kate DePrizio of School Committee, Jamie Hayman of School Committee, Debby Triffletti, Assistant Director of Senior Center, Nick Secatore, Acting Chief for Police, Kristin McRae, Director of Board of Health, Jim Wallace, Deputy Fire Chief and Emergency Management Team, Detective Sergeant Chris DiCarlo and Emergency Management Team, and remotely Joe Connell, Select Board.


Election of Chair for Joint Meeting

MOTION by Mr. Crawford of Select Board, duly seconded by Mr. Connell: I move that the Select Board vote to enter into a joint meeting with the School Committee and the Board of Health.  Vote was unanimous.


MOTION by Mr.  Sjoberg of the School Committee, duly seconded by Ms. Dahlsted: I move that the Select Board vote to enter into a joint meeting with the Select Board and the Board of Health. Vote was unanimous.


MOTION by Dr. Iocco of the Board of Health Chair, duly seconded by Dr. McCausland: I move that the Board of Health enter into a joint meeting with the School Committee and the Select Board.  Vote was unanimous.


MOTION by Mr. Crawford of Select Board, duly seconded by Dr. McCausland of the Board of Health: I move that Mr. Dalton be named chair of the joint meeting.  Vote was unanimous.


Chair Dalton announced the meeting is now in joint session and explained the meeting protocols:

• The Public Comment period will have a limit of three minutes per speaker. 

• There will be no limit on the number of speakers.

• Everyone will have an opportunity to express their opinion.

• One may only speak after being recognized by the Chair after which one should proceed to the podium.

• When arriving at the podium one should identify oneself by full name and address.

• The comment period is for which those who choose to speak are required to stay on topic and are not allowed to engage in a dialogue or Q&A.

• These rules are in place to conduct an orderly meeting.


Presentation from Emergency Management Director - COVID-19 Update

Emergency Management Director and Fire Chief Glenn Davis provided a presentation regarding COVID in the Lynnfield community.


Lynnfield has had 67 new cases of COVID-19 over a 28-day period. There have been1,291 novel coronavirus cases in Lynnfield since the pandemic began in March 2020. Nine Lynnfield residents have lost their lives to the virus.


Lynnfield has been averaging 20.9 average cases per 14 days.  (Almost double the rate across the entire state of Massachusetts.)  Lynnfield is seeing a large uptick in cases. The state’s positivity rate is 2.69 %. Essex County is slightly higher at 2.99 %. Currently in Lynnfield, we are almost double the state average at 4.18 positivity. 76 % of residents are fully vaccinated. To date, 67 % of children age 12 and older are fully vaccinated.


Chief Davis explained the Delta variant has been surging across the country, state and town and that 90 % of the new cases they are now seeing is the Delta variant which spreads twice as easily from one person to another compared to previous variants.  Chief Davis pointed out that new evidence shows that vaccinated people can get or spread the Delta variant. The CDC recommends everyone in areas with substantial or high spread, such as Lynnfield, to wear a mask indoors whether they are vaccinated or unvaccinated. The Chief pointed out that most of the spread is among unvaccinated people.  Chief Davis reported children can get the Delta variant and spread it to other people.


Chief Davis announced the CDC recommends universal indoor masking for all teachers, staff, students and visitors to all K-12 schools regardless of vaccination status.


Board of Health Chair Dr. Rocco Iocco - Comments and Recommendation

Dr. Rocco Iocco, Board of Health Chair commented it is the mission of the Board of Health to prevent illness, promote wellness and protect the environment and that the Board of Health will make reasonable policies and regulations to protect and promote the public health and well-being of citizens of Lynnfield.


Dr. Iocco expressed that the data presented by the Emergency Management Team is very concerning to him along with the fact that we have not reached the peak of this current surge. This along with the upcoming colder months and school returning puts Lynnfield in a vulnerable position.


Dr. Iocco noted that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all students wear masks while indoors.  Dr. Iocco stated the mask mandate for the schools worked last year and in addition to the schools, he believes the use of masks will reduce community transmission, the ultimate goal.


Board of Health Members Comments and Recommendation

Dr. McCausland stated that she supports implementing a mask mandate in all town buildings and schools based on Chief Davis’ presentation and the recommendations from the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics.


Dr. Migliero stated it is our task to keep reviewing the data and keep the kids in school as much as possible and the way to do that is to mitigate the risk of transmission by vaccination and by wearing masks.


Superintendent of School’s Comments and Recommendation

Superintendent Kristen Vogel reported she is looking forward to having all of the students return for full in-person school, five days a week starting on September 1.


Superintendent Vogel stated that 84-94% of educators are vaccinated, 72% of Lynnfield High School students and 54% of Lynnfield Middle School eligible students are fully vaccinated; although being good numbers, they probably need to be higher.


The Superintendent emphasized as always, the health and safety of the students and staff remain her top priority in Lynnfield and educating the students fully in-person without interruptions continues to be their goal.  Ms. Vogel pointed out we have all missed concerts, athletic games, proms, and graduations; with masks we will be able to do all of this,


Ms. Vogel emphasized that masks will not only prevent transmission in our schools and keep our unvaccinated and vaccinated students and staff safe, it will allow us to have students full in-person five days a week and for us to come together as a school community to celebrate our students.


Superintendent Vogel recommends to adopt the Board of Health’s recommendation that all students, staff, and visitors are

masked when indoors in any of the school buildings.  The Superintendent pointed out Lynnfield is not the only community that has adopted universal masking in their schools.


Town Administrator Robert Dolan’s Comments and Recommendation

Mr. Robert Dolan, Town Administrator, announced after 15-plus months dealing everyday with COVID and working hand in hand with department heads, the Board of Selectmen, the School Committee and the Board of Health, it is his recommendation that all persons of age 3 years or older be required to wear a mask or face covering while in any building owned or operated by the Town of Lynnfield.


Public Comment

Karen O’Brien, 1 Hampton Court, Lynnfield:  Ms. O’Brien commented that kids are at low risk when infected with COVID; however, it is concerning to her if students get both the flu and COVID.  She pointed out that no one in the room can tell her if kids are safe if they have both.  She believes masks are a great nonmedical intervention.


Michael Geary, 14 Tappan Way, Lynnfield:  Mr. Geary recommended looking at controlled studies to see if masks really work.  He asked what is the end game on mask wearing and what metrics are we going to use.  Mr. Geary stated masks cause dizziness and headaches.  Mr. Geary strongly advised the Board to think very carefully as there is no turning back and to go with the decision of optional masks.


Jenna Camann, 20 Nottingham Road, Lynnfield:  Ms. Camann expressed that she is extremely fearful of the desire to pass a town mask mandate in school with no evidence or data to support and no discussion of the potential negative effects it will have on the young children.  She is advocating for data to be used in the decisions and an assessment of the risks to the children’s social and academic education that comes with mandating masks.   It creates a narrative that schools are riskier to our kids.  Ms. Camann implores the Committee to look at the data and determine what threshold to force this burden we are putting on our children.


Suzeanne Guertin, 3 Powder Hill Road, Lynnfield:  Ms. Guertin referenced millions of Americans have died fighting for our country and our freedom because of their sacrifices, each citizen has the legal right to make his or her own choices, including choices about medical treatment. Ms. Guertin argued that mandating the children to wear masks and mandating the vaccine is unconstitutional.


Sondra Smyrnios, 11 Ramsdell Way, Lynnfield: Ms. Smyrnios referenced the School Committee has one of the most important jobs in the town as they make decisions for the best interest of our children including what is best for their education and what is best for their development.  As the SC committee navigated through COVID they followed the Science.  She pointed out that Science says children have low risks with COVID. Ms. Smyrnios commented that masks do not work and cause harm.  Parents should make health decisions on their own based on their own personal data.


Annie, Lynnfield Resident:  Annie recommends making masks an option and letting parents choose what is right for their children.  She is fearful of development in children while wearing a mask.  Forcing children to wear a mask is robbing them of facial expressions, social cues and lip reading.  Making masks optional is a fair option.


Kelly Regan, 30 Chatham Way, Lynnfield: Ms. Regan urged the Boards to make masks optional and allow parents to choose what is best for their children because parents know what is best for them.  Ms. Regan stated a one-size-fits-all approach does not make sense. Studies show masks don’t stop COVID transmission. They come with significant risks of medical, emotional and developmental impacts. Forcing students to wear a mask infringes on their freedom.


Alanna Shone, 27 Grey Lane, Lynnfield: Ms. Shone pointed out as an educator herself it is difficult to teach phonics when the teacher and the students are wearing masks.  Masks dehumanize children.  She would like numbers on the number of students in Lynnfield who had to go to counselors from the effects of wearing a mask and the social emotional difficulties of this.  She asked the Committee to please allow the parents to mask the children if they want to or to not mask if they want to.


Neil Weisenfeld, 12 Hunting Lane, Lynnfield:  Mr. Weisenfeld said he supports mask wearing.  He commented it is the safest way to get kids back in school.  Mr. Weisenfeld addressed some of the remarks that were said including the idea of decisions made without science, constitutionality, the Public Health department making decisions and warnings on boxes.


Amy Geary, 16 Candlewood Road, Lynnfield:  Ms. Geary pointed out that the kids have been maskless all summer.  She urged the Board to follow the DESE guidance.  She stated that it recommends but does not require masks for the school year.


Annmarie Bergeron, 52 Lincoln Avenue, Lynnfield:  Ms. Bergeron feels masks can cause physical, social, and emotional damage.  She asked the Boards what credentials qualify you to institute?  How does the board plan to provide all of the CDC recommended masks necessary for all of the students and how will they be enforced?  Pursuing masks is anti-science and anti-freedom.


Kristen Elworthy, 1 Bryant Street, Lynnfield:  Ms. Elworthy supports wearing masks as extra precaution just to be safe especially if it will help achieve in-person learning long term.  Ms. Elworthy asked where is the off ramp?  We should reassess in time and look where numbers need to be to make masks optional.  Ms. Elworthy stated her feeling as a parent is to use caution and have a plan.


Dr. Natasha Shah, 8 Jordan Road, Lynnfield: Dr. Shah advised the Board to implement the mask mandate. She referenced a number of health organizations that have strongly recommended that people, including children, wear masks while indoors.  Dr. Shah pointed out this is a simple measure that will benefit all of the citizens of Lynnfield in a positive way.


Carly Caggiano, 5 Yorkshire Drive, Lynnfield: Ms. Caggiano noted that she is a nurse who has treated COVID-19 patients over the course of the pandemic.  She pointed out as a nurse she has remained COVID negative through all of this while actively treating COVID positive patients even before she was vaccinated. Ms. Caggiano asked the community if it is worth your child’s life to keep them unmasked.  Nurse Caggiano emphasized that masks work, vaccines work, and handwashing works. The students deserve to have a safe school environment.


Mary Lohan, Lynnfield:  Ms. Lohan remarked her main concern is the mental health of children.  What is happening in the town now for the children and what can be done better.


Eileen DiNanno, 507 Essex Street, Lynnfield: Ms. DiNanno thinks everyone needs to take personal responsibility and do what they think is right for themselves.  The evidence is overwhelming as to what wearing a mask does to young children.


Chrystal Lavino, 10 Atherton Circle, Lynnfield: Show we are all present in support of parent choice.  Her point is if we can be respected and make choices for our own children.  Children will get through this but not the social emotional issues.


Tess DiNanno, 507 Essex Street, Lynnfield:  Miss DiNanno commented as a recent graduate she was destroyed by COVID and mask wearing as she always had anxiety.  The mask wearing made her depression come out and she struggled with dizziness and lightheadedness.  She warned to think about how much damage it will do to young children throughout their development.


Bill Gardner, 8 Barnsley Road, Lynnfield:  Mr. Gardner commented that parents should be able to decide whether to send their child to school with or without a mask.  He stated data without context is essentially noise and looking at the number of cases is not enough. Making decisions for our small town with an exceptionally high vaccination rate based on national recommendations is ill informed. It is driven by panic and endless what ifs. As we make decisions related to COVID, we continue to approach everything with the broadest possible brush.


Chair Dalton thanked everyone who participated in the public comment portion of the meeting.


Vote on Mask Mandate


MOTION by Dr loco of the Board of Health, duly seconded by Dr. McCausland: I move that  pursuant to G.L. c. 111, s. 31, that the Board issue the following regulation effective Monday, August 23, 2021, until further order of the Board: All persons of the age of 3 years and older are required to wear a mask or other face covering that covers their mouth and nose at all times while indoors in any building owned or controlled by the Town of Lynnfield, including the School Department of the Town. This order applies to all persons, including Town and School Department employees, students and members of the public, without regard to an individual's COVID-19 vaccination status, but shall not apply to persons who have a disability that prevents them from wearing a face mask or covering or who depend on supplemental oxygen to breathe. Violators shall be required to leave the building immediately on penalty of trespass. Pursuant to Section 310-75 of the Code of the Town of Lynnfield, violators shall be liable to a fine of $200 for each violation. Vote was unanimous.


MOTION by Ms. Dahlstedt of the School Committee, duly seconded by Mr. Hayman: I move that effective Monday, August 23, 2021, until further order of the Committee, all persons of the age of 3 years and older be required to wear a mask or other face covering that covers their mouth and nose at all times while indoors in any building owned or controlled (by the School Department of the Town of Lynnfield. This order applies to all persons, including School Department employees, students and members of the public, without regard to an individual's COVID-19 vaccination status, but shall not apply to persons who have a disability that prevents them from wearing a face mask or covering or who depend on supplemental oxygen to breathe. Violators shall be required to leave the building immediately on penalty of trespass and shall be subject to fines by the Board of Health. Vote was unanimous.


Ms. DePrizio expressed she is struggling that the School Committee has not discussed what the off-ramp is, the metrics of that and the timeline for that.  Ms. DePrizio commented she still stands behind the science and thinks it is imperative that the Committee’s next discussion is open and transparent about exactly those things. 


MOTION by Mr. Crawford of the Select Board, duly seconded by Mr. Connell: I move that effective Monday, August 23, 2021, until further order of the Board, all persons of the age of 3 years and older be required to wear a mask or other face covering that covers their mouth and nose at all times while indoors in any building owned or controlled by the Town of Lynnfield. This order applies to all persons, including Town employees and members of the public, without regard to an individual's COVID-19 vaccination status, but shall not apply to persons who have a disability that prevents them from wearing a face mask or covering or who depend on supplemental oxygen to breathe. Violators shall be required to leave the building immediately on penalty of trespass and shall be subject to fines by the Board of Health. Vote was unanimous.


Adjournment of Meeting

Motion by Chair Dalton of the Select Board, duly seconded by Mr. Crawford: I move that the joint meeting be adjourned.  Vote was unanimous.


Motion by Mr. Crawford of the Select Board, duly seconded by Mr. Connell: I move that the Select Board adjourn.  Vote was unanimous.


MOTION by Mr. Sjoberg of the School Committee, duly seconded by Ms. Dahlstedt: I move that the School Committee adjourn.  Vote was unanimous.


MOTION by Dr. Iocco of the Board of Health, duly seconded by Dr. McCausland: I move that the Board of Health adjourn.  Vote was unanimous.


The Board adjourned at 7:47 p.m.