March 22, 2021 meeting

Meeting date: 
Monday, March 22, 2021

Select Board

March 22, 2021

Regular Session

Remote via Zoom



Christopher Barrett, Chair


Philip Crawford, Member


Richard Dalton, Member


Chair Barrett called the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m. He announced that the meeting was being recorded for cable television via Zoom.


Assistant Town Administrator Bob Curtin announced that several members of the Board of Health had not yet arrived for the joint meeting as scheduled. Chair Barrett suggested that Town Administrator Robert Dolan and Fire Chief and Emergency Management Director Glenn Davis provide a brief COVID update. Mr. Dolan reported that this day the second graders had returned to school full-time, with all students expected to return by May 5. The Town continues to run clinics, particularly among for senior population, Town Hall is open, the Library has a plan for reopening, the Recreation Commission is planning a strong summer schedule, and youth sports groups are providing their COVID risk plans. Chief Davis encouraged all residents to register for the vaccine clinics.


Chair Barrett noted the positive atmosphere regarding returning students to classrooms and sports teams’ readiness for the upcoming season. Mr. Dolan added that the State would provide more freedom for cities and towns to manage their graduation ceremonies this year.



Joint meeting with Board of Health to discuss health regionalization grant application

MOTION by Selectman Crawford, duly seconded by Rocco Iocco, Chair, Board of Health: I move that Chris Barrett be named chair of the joint meeting.


Chair Barrett asked Mr. Dolan to lead the joint meeting discussion. Mr. Dolan introduced Reading Town Administrator Bob LaLecheur and Asst. Town Administrator Jean Delios who were present to discuss a joint grant application with Lynnfield to the Mass Department of Public Health (Mass DPH) for shared health services. Mr. Dolan remarked that he believed in “appropriate regionalization,” looking at potential opportunities that “provide a more sustainable model that is in the best interest of taxpayers”. He added that at present, the State is reporting that there is a crisis in the number of health directors entering this field, and in the availability of these professionals to serve in small towns like Lynnfield. Therefore, the State is encouraging communities, through a grant process, to explore regionalization in this area.


Town Manager LaLecheur remarked that he supports exploring a regionalization opportunity, noting that Reading is now actively assessing its entire health department. Asst. Town Administrator DeliTheos added that the maximum grant award is $300k per year for a 3-year period. The grant application is due April 1.


Mr. Crawford noted that he favored the opportunity to explore this grant opportunity, but also agreed with Mr. Dolan that Mass DPH’s new requirement of three instead of two communities was disappointing. Chair Iocco expressed a possible concern about the loss of control in some areas, citing septic issues as an example of the differences in services across communities.


Board of Health Vice Chair Gail Link McClausland asked how much of the details of the collaboration of the participating towns would need to be worked out ahead of time for inclusion in the grant application. Ms. DeLios answered that a general idea would be suitable for the application, with work plans and further details required after grant award. Mr. Dolan suggested a small team from each town would convene to prepare the proposal. Ms. McClausland also asked what Lynnfield would be required to commit to in order to accept this grant award, to which Mr. Dolan said “nothing” and that Lynnfield could always reject the grant award.


Mr. Iocco asked if a third community had been identified. Mr. LaLecheur said that a possible third community had been identified, but that the grant application would go forward with two communities until further notice from Mass DPH.


MOTION by Selectman Crawford, duly seconded by Select Board Chair Barrett: I move that the Board authorize the application to the Public Health Excellence Grant Program for Shared Services with the Town of Reading. Voting in favor were Selectman Crawford, Select Board Chair Barrett, Mr. Iocco and Ms. McClausland.


6:00 p.m. Public hearing, application for an on-premises all-alcohol license, The Next One, Inc, dba Alchemy, 1100 Market Street

Jill Mann and Melissa Ogden from Mann & Mann, PC, and Seth Freitas, Manager of The Next One provided the presentation. Atty. Mann said that The Next One was seeking a new liquor license, a victualler license and an associated license for on-site live entertainment. She then described how The Next One would customize the premises. Selectman Crawford remarked that the restaurant would be a nice addition to the MarketStreet mix.


MOTION by Selectman Crawford, duly seconded by Select Board Chair Barrett: I move that the Board vote to approve the application for an on-premises all-alcohol license, The Next One, Inc, dba Alchemy, 1100 Market Street.


Change of Manager application for seasonal on-premises wine and malt license, Sagamore Golf, Inc., dba Sagamore Spring Golf Course, 1287 Main Street, Timothy Doucette, manager

Timothy Doucette, Manager and Richard Luff, President and Owner of Sagamore Golf Course presented their request. Mr. Doucette explained that he took over as General Manager in January 2021 and would like to update the license to identify his new role. Chair Barrett remarked favorably of the Golf Course’s contribution to the community. Mr. Crawford agreed, and reminded the applicant of the need for diligence in serving alcohol.


MOTION by Selectman Crawford, duly seconded by Select Board Chair Barrett: I move that the Board vote to approve the application for a change of manager for the seasonal on-premises wine and malt license, Sagamore Golf Inc., dba Sagamore Spring Golf Course, 1287 Main Street, Timothy Doucette, manager


6:10 p.m. Public hearing, application for transfer of an on-premises all-alcohol license, Legal Seafood, LLC to LSF Lynnfield, LLC, dba Legal C Bar, 220 MarketStreet

Trish Farnsworth, representing Legal Seafood, and Legal Seafoods Manager Jonathan Brachman presented the request. A firm in Ireland is purchasing the 23-restaurant chain. Brachman will continue on as manager. Mr. Crawford and Mr. Barrett commented that Legal C Bar has been a positive addition to MarketStreet.


MOTION by Selectman Crawford, duly seconded by Select Board Chair Barrett: I move that the Board vote to approve the application for transfer of an on-premises all-alcohol license, Legal Sea Foods, LLC to LSF Lynnfield, LLC, dba Legal C Bar, 220 Market Street


Common victualler license application, Chipotle Mexican Grill, 425 Market Street

MOTION by Selectman Crawford, duly seconded by Select Board Chair Barrett: I move that the Board vote to approve the application for a common victualler license for Chipotle Mexican Grill, 425 Market Street.


Proclamation: Above the Influence Week

Chair Barrett thanked Mr. Crawford for his leadership with A Healthy Lynnfield. Mr. Crawford noted that April is designated as Substance Abuse Awareness month, and the Select Board will be asked to consider designating the last week in April as Above the Influence Week. He then read the proclamation, as prepared by Peg Sallade. 


MOTION by Selectman Crawford, duly seconded by Select Board Chair Barrett: I move that we approve the Above the Influence Week of April 25 through April 30 for the Town of Lynnfield


Energy service company proposal

Mr. Dolan explained that some years ago, former resident Ted Caswell provided a capital inventory of the town. DPW Director John Tomasz has since developed a proposal for a $6 million project that will address many of the infrastructure improvements that will be paid off by the savings stemming from the implementation and use of those improvements. The proposal is a bond to create the largest public works facilities improvement project that would be completely off the tax rolls and off the Prop 2-1/2 levy. Many other communities have worked with companies along these lines and have realized significant savings.


Morgan Perras, account executive with Trane Esco Services Company provided a presentation. Energy service companies (ESCOs) develop, design, build and arrange financing for projects that save energy, reduce energy costs, and decrease operations and maintenance at their customers’ facilities. Projects are funded independent of capital budgets, and are paid for over time, entirely or in part, with savings. Lynnfield selected Trane as ESCO. Phase I of the project will be presented at Town Meeting.


Chair Barrett asked if the proposed new public safety building and library were included in the analysis, to which Mr. Dolan said that the assumption is that the existing public safety and library buildings were factored into the proposal, as new buildings cannot be totally predicted. Selectman Crawford expressed enthusiasm for this proposal. DPW Director John Tomasz added that he was totally in support of the project.


DPW FY 2022 budget proposal

DPW Director John Tomasz presented his operating and capital budget requests. The only budget increase is $88,000 for solid waste. The overall budget increased by 1.8%. Mr. Tomasz emphasized that his overall work plan is to chip away at large projects each year, rather than waiting for entire large systems to age out and then require total replacement. Mr. Crawford asked about the treatment plant at the high school, to which Mr. Tomasz said he was fairly satisfied with its operation.


Library FY 2022 budget proposal

Chair Barrett began by praising the work that the library has done over the past difficult year. Director Jennifer Inglis presented her budget request. She led with two positive metrics given the challenging year; over 4500 persons pick up library materials, over 1,000 patrons participated in virtual library programs. She added that on April 1, patrons will be able to enter the library in person for browsing. She noted that her budget is essentially level funded. Ms. Inglis also reviewed her capital budget request, including non-contact software and hardware, a walk-up window, and replacement drop-off boxes. Mr. Dolan noted that he is recommending a new fire alarm system for the library that is actually included in the DPW budget request. Ms. Inglis expressed concern about the lack of space for programming, particularly for seniors, and especially in light of the social distancing issues over the last year. Library Trustees Chair Robert Calamari noted that most requested items are COVID related, but also that they make the library a safer place going forward post-COVID.


Annual town election warrant

The annual election warrant is usually part of the annual town meeting warrant, but with the proposal to move the annual town meeting to June, a separate warrant has been prepared by the Town Clerk.


MOTION by Selectman Crawford, duly seconded by Select Board Chair Barrett: I move that the Board vote to approve the annual town election warrant and submitted by the Town Clerk.


Proposal from Historical Commission to paint interior of Pope-Richard Historical Center

Historical Commission Chair Kirk Mansfield presented a proposal to paint the interior of the Historical Center. Local painter Donald Ross and Son was chosen for the project, to include repairing and painting of the ceilings, walls, and kitchen cabinets. Mr. Mansfield is working with volunteer Nan Hockenbury regarding the moving, storage and replacing of all the items during the painting project.


MOTION by Selectman Crawford, duly seconded by Select Board Chair Barrett: I move that the Board vote to approve the painting of the interior of the Historical Center.


Use of South Branch Library building

Fire Chief Glenn Davis was present to request that the Fire Department be allowed to use the former South Branch Library building at 630 Salem Street for fire and emergency management office space. Chief Davis noted that COVID had brought to light the space limitations for the Fire Department. Mr. Crawford noted the need to find storage room for the items in the building that are now being stored by several groups.


MOTION by Selectman Crawford, duly seconded by Select Board Chair Barrett: I move that the Board vote to authorize the use of the former South Branch Library building on Salem Street for Fire Department and Emergency Management operations and that the Fire Chief be authorized to work with the various organizations and agencies that currently use that building for storage to provide access and/or alternative storage options.


Approval of extended outdoor seating through the end of the State of Emergency plus 60 days

Chair Barrett remarked that in his opinion, this was a much-needed step in light of the difficult year. Mr. Dolan added that all sites are approved and that this step adds to the enjoyment of MarketStreet.


MOTION by Selectman Crawford, duly seconded by Select Board Chair Barrett: I move that the Board vote to approve the extended outdoor seating for on-premises liquor license holders through the end of the State of Emergency plus sixty days, as provided for by state law, and to authorize the Town Administrator, after consultation with the Emergency Management Team, to approve such plans on behalf of the Board.


Request by Building Department to hire outside counsel regarding Ramsdell Way development

The Board of Appeals and Building Department requires counsel on the Ramsdell Way development approved many years ago as a development with affordable units under Chapter 40B. Town Counsel Thomas Mullen previously served as an attorney for the developer, Said Abuzhara, and has a conflict of interest. He has recommended the Town obtain outside counsel. Jason Talerman of Talerman, Mead, and Costa is town counsel for Middleton. He provides a class to the MA Building Commissioners and Inspectors Associating every year on zoning and land issues and is recommended by Building Inspector Joseph O’Callaghan. His charge as special council is $210.00 an hour. Mr. Dolan recommended passage of this item.


MOTION by Selectman Crawford, duly seconded by Select Board Chair Barrett: I move that the Board vote to authorize the engagement of Jason Talerman of Talerman, Mead, and Costa to represent the town as special town counsel for the Ramsdell Way development.


Use of Facilities: Easter sunrise ceremony, Centre Congregational Church, Newhall Park

This application has been reviewed and approved by the Recreation Commission and the Public Works Director.


MOTION by Selectman Crawford, duly seconded by Select Board Chair Barrett: I move that the Board vote to approve the application by the Centre Congregational Church for an Easter sunrise ceremony at Newhall Park.


Request for executive session under Mass. General Laws Chapter 30A, Section 21 (A) (3) to discuss bargaining strategy with non-union personnel for which an open discussion may adversely affect the Town’s negotiating position

MOTION by Selectman Crawford, duly seconded by Select Board Chair Barrett: I move that the Board vote to enter executive session under Mass. General Laws Chapter 30A, Section 21 (A) (3) to discuss strategy with respect to bargaining strategy with non-union personnel, in which an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body.


Mr. Barrett declared the Board would not re-enter public session.


The Board entered executive session at 7:01 p.m. and adjourned at 7:38 p.m.