March 6 2023 meeting

Meeting date: 
Monday, March 6, 2023

Select Board

March 6, 2023

Regular Session

Merritt Center, 660 Market Street



Philip Crawford, Chair



Joseph Connell, Vice Chair

Richard Dalton, Member


Chair Crawford called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. He announced that the meeting was being recorded for cable television and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.


School Department FY24 budget presentation

Superintendent Kristen Vogel presented the School Department FY24 operating and capital budget requests. Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations Thomas Geary and School Committee members Richard Soberg and Stacey Dahlstedt were also in attendance. Ms. Vogel thanked the members of the School Committee budget subcommittee and the leadership team for their work. She reviewed the Lynnfield Public Schools vision and mission statements. She said the budget was developed to be fiscally responsible and is in alignment with the district strategy and objectives. The proposed budget would maintain class size guidelines, address department expense needs such as Early Literacy resources being implemented at the elementary schools; provide for the need of all students; absorb a 14 percent increase in out-of-district tuitions, which reflects that all programs utilized by the Lynnfield schools have availed themselves of the maximum 14 percent tuition increase allowed by the Commonwealth, an increase of $469,000. She said she has joined with other superintendents to petition the Commonwealth for some relief.


She said the budget process began in October and the proposed budget would preserve student-facing positions, maintain level services, maximize resources, take advantage of grants, address building schedules and class sizes to achieve efficiencies. She said she has met with the town administrator about the Town’s available revenues and she feels this is a fiscally responsible budget. The operating budget request totals $29,656,549. The school operating budget is 85 percent salaries, 7.2 percent expenses, and 7.2 percent out-of-district tuitions and transportation. She said the schools are still seeing the social/emotional effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.


The capital budget requests include the traditional $250,000 for technology, and $144,00 to address the Lynnfield High School gymnasium baskets and floor and the Lynnfield Middle School gym floor, a classroom divider and the purchase of an early literacy program.


Mr. Crawford said he understands some tough decisions had to be made to get the budget request down to a level the Town can support. Mr. Connell acknowledged the long-term effects of COVID and the need for additional special services. He said there is great detail provided by the School Department. He acknowledged the support for and achievements in the area of extracurricular activities and advance placement courses. Mr. Dalton thanked Ms. Vogel and Mr. Geary for putting the presentation together and emphasized the collaboration between the town administrator and school administration which makes the budget preparation so much easier. He said the budget book was a very detailed documents and the Board is not here to micromanage the school budget. He said he has confidence it is a well-thought-out budget, and applauded the willingness to look at how to operate more efficiently without diminishing services to students. He said the teacher contract was reasonable when put in context of the marketplace. He said he is very satisfied this is a fiscally responsible budget.


Annual town election warrant

The annual town election will be held on April 11, 2023.


MOTION by Mr. Connell, duly seconded by Mr. Dalton: I move that the Board approve the annual town election warrant as prepared by the Town Clerk. The vote was unanimous.


Appointment of election workers

MOTION by Mr. Connell, duly seconded by Mr. Dalton: I move that the Board approve the appointment of election workers as shown in the listing provided by the Town Clerk. The vote was unanimous.


Seasonal liquor license renewals

MOTION by Mr. Connell, duly seconded by Mr. Dalton: I move that the Board approve the renewal of the seasons wine and malt beverages license for Sagamore Golf and Reedy Meadow Golf. Vote was unanimous.


Opening of annual town meeting warrant for acceptance of articles

MOTION by Mr. Connell, duly seconded by Mr. Dalton I move that the Board vote to open the annual town meeting warrant for acceptance of articles and to set the closing of the warrant for Monday, March 27 at 6:00 p.m. Petition articles will be due on Thursday, March 23 at 3:00 p.m. for verification of signatures. Vote was unanimous.


Use of Facilities requests

There were none.


MOTION by Mr. Connell, duly seconded by Mr. Dalton: I move that the Board adjourn. Vote was unanimous.


The Board adjourned at 6:18 p.m.