May 3, 2021 meeting

Meeting date: 
Monday, May 3, 2021

Select Board

May 3, 2021

Regular Session

Remote via Zoom



Richard Dalton, Chair


Philip Crawford, Vice Chair


Joseph Connell, Member


Chair Dalton called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. He announced that the meeting was being recorded for cable television via Zoom.


Update from Lynnfield Center Water District on water quality and supply issues – capital project proposed for approval

LCWD Superintendent John Scenna made a presentation on the LCWD’s proposed capital project, which will go before the LCWD’s annual meeting on May 10. Mr. Scenna said this project has been worked on since September of 2019. He said it would resolve quality concerns and allow for additional water supply in times of high demand, providing for adequate fire suppression. After months of examining options and analysis, the Board of Water Commissioners is recommending the $9.8 million proposal that will go before the meeting of the District on May 10.


He said the connection with MWRA presented many challenges and would not be the most fiscally responsible option. The proposed connection with Wakefield would allow for access to MWRA water and increase the maximum water availability by 25 percent. The Wakefield connection is relatively simple, and will require an intermunicipal agreement. It will also create a loop in the Wakefield system that will allow for a connection to Lynnfield in an underground chamber.


The programs would also include an upgrade to the Glen Drive treatment plant to mirror the screen sand filtering operation at the Phillips Road plant, which would filter out the manganese that has been a problem in certain areas of the District, including discoloration of water. This project would also allow additional pumping from that station.


Mr. Scenna said he believes that this program would solve all the water quality and capacity issues facing the District.


Chair Dalton said that the Board considers this upcoming meeting a very important one for the Town. The Select Board has moved its meeting scheduled for that night to avoid a conflict. He urged residents of the District to attend and commended Mr. Scenna and the LCWD Board for its solid plan.


Mr. Crawford agreed and thanked LCWD Board members and Mr. Scenna for their efforts. He said this plan would be a multi-generational fix and urged residents to vote for the project. Mr. Connell praised the LCWD website presentation of the plan and the other options considered.


Town Administrator Robert Dolan read a letter from Fire Chief Glenn Davis in support of the capital project as proposed as it will enhance fire suppression efforts through adequate water pressure during periods of high demand.


Proclamation – Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week

Mr. Crawford read the proclamation presented to the Board.


MOTION by Mr. Crawford, duly seconded by Selectman Connell: I move that the Board vote to approve the Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week proclamation. Vote was unanimous.


Class II used auto dealer license application – Michael DiCorato, 3 Melch Road (wholesale only – no storage, display or repair of vehicles on premises)

Mr. DiCorato said he is a former Class II license holder who is seeking to reinstate his license. He said this is a hobby and a business in which he buys vehicles at auction and then resells them. His license is to be used as a wholesaler, and the license will forbid storage, display or repair of the vehicles on the premises. He has arranged for any storage of vehicles to be at a lot in another community. There were no issues with his operation in the past.


MOTION by Mr. Crawford, duly seconded by Selectman Connell: I moved that the Class II used automobile dealer license for Michael DiCorato at 3 Melch Road be approved. Vote was unanimous.


Town Administrator recommendations on operating and capital budgets

Mr. Dolan presented his FY22 spending plan and operating and capital budgets. He said that the last two fiscal year budgets have been a challenge but he said this is a budget that the Board can be proud of and looks to the future. He discussed the operations of the management team in the development of the budget. He said the budget reflects the community’s values and supports the Town’s schools, public safety and public health needs as well as its infrastructure.


Mr. Dolan said this operating budget does not rely on the use of free cash or one-time revenues and supports a robust capital program while building reserves.


He reviewed the Town’s revenue sources, including property tax, other local; receipts and state aid. The budget would increase taxes to the Proposition 2-1/2 limit. New growth in property tax is now at typical levels after years of generous growth due primarily to the Market Street buildout. He noted town meeting has in recent years turned down development proposals that would have increased the tax base. He said he expects state aid to continue to increase by 1-2 percent annually. These trends indicate that the Town can expect lean revenue increases. The Town has adjusted spending accordingly. Meals taxes have been lower due to the pandemic, although this revenue stream is on the increase and Market Street is optimistic. Excise taxes on vehicles are also down slightly. Free cash is strong and the stabilization and capital facilities funds are healthy. The budget assumes a 25 percent reduction in local receipts and an increase in state aid of 1.6 percent.


Health insurance is budgeted for a five percent increase with pension costs budgeted with a 5.4 precent. The school operating budget with a 3.4 percent increase is a significant investment. Vocational school enrollment form the Town is also up, so that number has grown significantly. The overall Town operating budget increase by 2.3 percent.


Mr. Dolan reviewed the capital budget proposal of $1,045,431, with larger capital items including roads and sidewalks, a police cruiser, federally mandated stormwater work, a dump truck for the Department of Public Works and a fire command vehicle. A fringe mover for the golf operation will be paid for through retained earnings from the golf operation. The library fire system is also being upgraded and the annual Pillings Pond algae treatment and the public safety radio replacement program will continue.


The spending plan also includes appropriations of $150,000 to the Stabilization Fund, $100,000 to the OPEB Trust and $50,000 to the Capital Facilities Fund. These appropriations keep the Stabilization and Capital Facilities funds within the ranges recommended in the Town’s financial policies.


Mr. Dolan reviewed the audit and comprehensive annual financial report. Town Accountant Julianne McCarthy noted the Town has instituted a number of financial policies in the last eight years on the recommendation of bond rating agencies.


Mr. Dolan ran through the budget document. He noted that most departments are to have very modest spending increases. He noted the increase in the town counsel budget due to ongoing litigation. He said the trash costs went up by ten percent when the very favorable contract the Town had expired. The current contractor was retained after a lengthy procurement process showed other options would be more expensive. The budget also reflects the borrowing for the new elementary school expansion project.


He said the Town can expect a strong return on its investment of its tax dollars and other revenues in this budget. He reviewed the details of the capital budget.


Members of the Board thanked Mr. Dolan and Ms. McCarthy for the budget presentation. Mr. Crawford said he is glad to see the continues investment in roads and sidewalks. He said this budget reflects the Board’s goals. Mr. Connell also offered thanks for the presentation. Mr. Dalton thanked the budget team and the department heads for their work in developing budgets that meet the Board’s financial goals. He said this is a fiscally responsible budget.


Vote to send budgets to public hearing

MOTION by Mr. Crawford, duly seconded by Selectman Connell: I moved that the Board vote to send the proposed FY22 operating and capital budgets to the public hearing. Vote was unanimous.


MOTION by Mr. Crawford, duly seconded by Selectman Connell: I move that the meeting be adjourned.


The Board adjourned at 6:59 p.m.