April 10, 2018 meeting

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Board of Selectmen

April 10, 2018

Regular Session

Maney Hearing Room, Town Hall



Christopher Barrett, Chairman


Richard Dalton, Selectman


Philip Crawford, Selectman


Chairman Barrett called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. He announced that the meeting was being recorded for transmission by cable television. He led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Chairman Barrett said the meeting is held in the Maney Room at Town Hall in keeping with tradition on election night.


Interviews for School Enrollment and Capacity Exploration Committee

The Board is continuing its interviews for members of this committee. Chairman Barrett explained that the Committee was formed based on discussion with School Committee and Board members regarding the impact of developments proposed on Route 1 and Main Street regarding school enrollment as well as existing school space issues.


Residents Kathryn Price, Crystal Bates, Heather Rose, John Scenna, Arthur Swanson and Brian Lambert had brief interviews with the Board, discussing their interest, community involvement, and relevant educational and work experiences.


Ms. Price helped found the Lynnfield Moms Group and has served for two years as Summer Street School PTO president. She is a former public-school teacher who is now self-employed in the education field.


Ms. Bates has children in kindergarten and the Lynnfield Preschool and has a background in marketing and communications, and is involved with mon-profit organizations.


Ms. Rose has two children in the Lynnfield schools and one who will enter kindergarten in the fall. She has been Summer Street School PTO president for three years and is not its director of communications. She has also served on the school council and principal search committee. Her employment has been in the field of marketing and communications.


Mr. Scenna has one son in the Lynnfield schools and has twins entering kindergarten in the fall. He is president and a coach for Lynnfield Youth Soccer and serves as Director of Public Works for the City of Melrose, where he is responsible for planning, operations and facilities, and has worked with the School Department of facilities issues.


Mr. Swanson has children who are graduates of the Lynnfield schools and has a granddaughter in kindergarten here. He worked for 50 years in education and a teacher, principal and assistant superintendent in schools, and worked on several school facilities issues, including building new schools and closing schools.


Mr. Lambert has one child in kindergarten and twins who are younger. He has a background in commercial real estate and urban economics, and specializes in analyzing trends and patterns.


Chairman Barrett said the Board will make appointments next month. Selectman Dalton said he would like to revisit the composition of the committee in order to accommodate more members, given the impressive quality of applicants. Selectman Crawford agreed and suggested adding more at-large and parent members. Chairman Barrett agreed.


Jordan Park and Jordan Road Gold Star designation

Veterans Services Director Bruce Siegel discussed the Patriots Day observance. He said that plans to recognize Lt. Allen Jordan with appropriate signage at Jordan Park and Jordan Road. He reviewed the record of Lt. Jordan, who died in Vietnam fifty years ago this month. He said several of his relatives will attend the event. The American Legion is also involved in the plans.


Chairman Barrett said Lynnfield does not forget its residents who made the ultimate sacrifice. He acknowledged the work of Jack Madden in upgrading the memorial site at Joran Park as his Eagle project.


Discussion of proposed Perley Burrill subdivision plan and potential deed restrictions

Chairman Barrett recused himself from this portion of the meeting, as he has an ownership interest in an abutting property.


Town Counsel Thomas Mullen and Town Engineer Charles Richter reviewed the two-lot subdivision proposal before the Planning Board as well potential deed restrictions the Board may seek to place on the land in its request for proposals. Neighbors have asked that a provision be made that no additional buildable lots be created with the use of the Town-owned land for sale in conjunction with any other land.


Mr. Richter said that the Planning Board is receptive to the two-lot subdivision plan which features a shared 24-foot-wide driveway, which will require a waiver from that board. He said that drainage meets the Town’s rules and regulations. He said the clean-up of this property will be very beneficial to the neighborhood.


Mr. Mullen said that the land will be sold at auction, as it was taken in tax-title proceedings. Restrictions on the deed will not permit construction of anything other than single-family homes on the property, and not allow for further house lots to be created by combining this land with abutting properties. No building will be allowed on the site unless sit is in conformity with the Town’s zoning bylaws, which will preclude development of the property under a comprehensive permit under Chapter 40B of the state law.


Selectman Dalton said he believes these restrictions will satisfy the concerns of neighbors. Selectman Crawford said this is best for the neighborhood, and said that the if the Planning Board approved the subdivision in May, the auction could be held as early as June. The buyer will pay the auction fees and will remediate conditions on the property. The starting bid price will be what the Town has expended on the property, plus the taxes it is owed. He said the restrictions placed on the property may reduce the biddings.


Resident Steven Ciambelli asked about the sale process. Mr. Mullen said that law provides for auction of tax-title property. A request for proposals would require a bylaw or town meeting authorization. He said there is no need for a request for proposals because the auction process will allow for the imposition of restrictions. He said he will prepare a list of restrictions for the Board’s consideration at its next meeting.


Mr. Ciambelli asked about any environmental report and study undertaken on the property. Selectman Crawford said the Town has not initiated such a report as it would make the Town responsible for remediation instead of the buyer. He said the fuel tanks have been removed. Resident Joseph Duhaime asked if the lots redeemed by the owner could be used to create a buildable lot. Selectman Crawford said he does not believe it could, without relief from the Planning Board or Board of Appeals. Mr. Duhaime thanked the Board for its work.


Recommendations on annual town meeting warrant articles

The Board considered recommendations on the warrant articles prior to its meeting on the evening of town meeting.


Mr. Dolan said the Finance Committee has added funding in the Library capital budget, including $37,000 for floor, carpet and plumbing work and $3,000 for book replacement. Some of this work had been requested previously but not included in the recommended capital budget as there are plans to build a new library in the future. Since the budget was drafted, the library has a septic backflow issue that damaged rugs and the carpet. A service contractor was brought in to clean up the area, and testing for contamination was conducted. The Finance Committee voted last night to support the additional funding for these items, with the source being free cash.


Library Trustee Faith Honer Coakley said the incident occurred in February, and that shelving, carpet and books were damaged., The library basement was closed for a month while cleaning and testing took place. The Board of Trustees felt that that books in a certain section (Fiction with authors A through Bellew) should be replaced as that as the location of the septic backflow.


Mr. Dolans said that the proximate cause of the issue was clogging from flushing large amount of paper. He said full repairs of the septic system would be several hundreds of thousands of dollars. In the interim, the Town is draining the system frequently.


Mr. Dolan questioned the $37,000 appropriation request for flooring, carpet and plumbing work, as not cost estimates have been developed. Ms. Honer Coakley said the number was reached by the Finance Committee. Selectman Dalton said the Board of Library Trustees did not bring these spending requests forward during the budget process in the late fall. He said he understands the request for books, but said that many departments submitted requests that could not be accommodated in the budget. He said a last-minute request did not sit well with him, and said without price estimates, he cannot support the $37,000 request.


Selectman Crawford aid he visited the library and said that there are issues as it is an old building. He said this late request is not the way the Town handles its budget process. He suggested postponing consideration of this spending to the meeting on the night of town meeting to allow for time to understand the amount of the request and review cost estimates.


Mr. Dolan said that some members of the Board of Library Trustees believed that funding for this request would be considered even thought it was not submitted as a budget request, due to the report of issues in an earlier study. Ms. Honer-Coakley said the February incident came after budget submissions were due. Chairman Barrett said there were several weeks since the incident where the request could have been put forward.


The specific money amounts for Articles 4 and 5 (FY18 transfers and payment of overdue bills) are still being worked on by Town departments and the Town The amount due on Article 15, the golf clubhouse architect’s bill, is $8,630. He has been directed to stop work on the $118,280 remaining on the contract.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that the Board recommend indefinite postponement of Article 15. Vote was unanimous.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that the Board recommend all other arrant articles with the following exceptions, on which recommendation will be deferred to the April 30 meeting: Articles 4, 5, 18, 19, 20, 21 22, 23. Vote was unanimous.


Resignation from Senior Citizens Advisory Committee

MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that the Board accept with regret the resignation of Patricia Campbell from the Senior Citizen Advisory Committee. Vote was unanimous.


Selectmen Update:

A Healthy Lynnfield (Selectman Crawford): A fundraiser will be held at Whole Foods in May, with donations being collected at the registers. The next meeting of the coalition will be on April 25.


Announcement of election results

Town Clerk Trudy Reid announced the election results. Chairman Barrett was unopposed for Selectman. Ms. Reid administered the oat to him. He thanked all those who came forward to serve. Newly elected School Committee member Phil McQueen and newly elected Planning Board member John Gioioso were also present and were sworn in by Ms. Reid.


Reorganization of the Board

MOTION by Selectman Crawford, seconded by Selectman Barrett: I nominate Dick Dalton for Chairman of the Board of Selectmen. Vote was unanimous.


MOTION by Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Chairman Dalton: I nominate Phil Crawford for Vice-Chairman of the Board of Selectmen. Vote was unanimous.


PROPOSED MOTION (by Selectman Crawford, duly seconded by Chairman Dalton: I nominate Chris Barrett for Clerk of the Board of Selectmen. Vote was unanimous.


Chairman Dalton thanked his fellow Board members and said that even when they disagree they do so in a professional manner. All three have the best interests if the Town at heart. He also offered praise for the Town’s management team, saying that Mr. Dolan has been a major upgrade. He also praised the Town’s department heads, volunteer boards and committees and employees.


He said he will prepare for the Board’s consideration goals for the coming year, including development of a long-term budget plan. He said revenues are not keeping pace with the growth in expenses. The Town in recent years has addressed some infrastructure issues but many remain to be addressed. He said he has discussed this concept with the Town Administrator and Assistant Town Administrator, as well as the Town Accountant, and plans to reach out to hairs of the Finance Committee, Planning Board and School Committee.


Chairman Dalton credited David Drislane with getting him involved in Town government, and recognized the roles of Arthur Bourque, Joe Maney and Al Merritt in his involvement. He thanked his wife and family for supporting his work on behalf of the Town.


Selectman Barrett thanked all those who voted for him and urged all of those who ran, whether they won or lost, to stay involved.


Public participation

Resident Carol Bartlett said she was disappointed that funding for the Ledge Road drainage project was not included in the recommended capital budget. She outlined her efforts to clear debris from a drainage pipe to prevent flooding but said that the neighborhood is powerless in the face of nature and has faced flooding on several recent occasions, with septic systems and basements damaged. She said residents faced major increases to their flood insurance, and had worked with the town engineer, DPOW and an engineering contractor on a remediation plan. She showed Board members photographs of damage from the December 2014 flood.


Mr. Dolan said he ahs met with Ms. Bartlett and that several areas in Town have drainage issues, including Ledge Road, Hawkes Brook and the “wood” roads around Pillings Pond. He said a comprehensive plan is needed and that the necessary funding for these projects would be considerable and would likely require a bond to fund the work.


Chairman Dalton announced that the Open Space and Recreation Plan Committee will hold an open forum at the Merritt Center on April 12.



Chairman Dalton read and Board members signed the Arbor Day proclamation.


One-day liquor licenses

MOTION by Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that the Board vote to approve one-day liquor licenses for the Yappy Hour events from 5-8 p.m. on May 23, June 13, July 25 and August 22, subject to conditions placed on the licenses by the Chief of Police. Vote was unanimous.


Use of Town Facilities

MOTION by Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that the Board vote to approve the use of the South Fire lot, for the LHS Boys Hockey car wash on August 26, 2018.


MOTION by Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that the Board vote to approve the use of the South Fire lot, for the LHS Baseball car wash on August 26, 2018. Vote was unanimous.


MOTION by Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that the Board vote to approve the use of streets and Town Hall lot for the Lynnfield Athletic Association Road Race on July 4, 2018. Vote was unanimous.


MOTION by Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that the Board vote to approve a banner over the common for the Lynnfield Art Guild from May 6-12, 2018. Vote was unanimous.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move the Board adjourn. Vote was unanimous.


The Board adjourned at 9:09 p.m.