December 7, 2016 budget summit minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Board of Selectmen

December 7, 2016

Regular Session

Senior Center, 525 Salem Street



Philip Crawford, Chairman


Christopher Barrett, Selectman


Richard Dalton, Selectman


Chairman Crawford called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Crawford announced that the meeting was being recorded for transmission by cable television. He led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Annual budget summit

Town Administrator James Boudreau said that after one quarter, Fiscal Year 2017 revenue looks to be in decent shape. On the expenditure side, the School Department is facing some costly special education placements involving students who recently moved into the district and the Department of Public Works will need additional funds for fields maintenance, but there are no issues that the Town will not be able to cover.


In Fiscal Year 2018, the national outlook in uncertain and revenue estimates at the state level have been revised downward. He is not predicting any additional state aid, but does project a modest increase in local receipts and the meals tax. New growth is trending down due to the slowdown of building at Market Street to the traditional level of $300,000 to $500,000 in additional revenue annually.


For the upcoming Town budget, requests for increases in staffing will be closely scrutinized for affordability and sustainability. Health insurance and pension costs are expected to increase by five to ten percent, which will consume about one-third of all additional revenue. Increases in the school and public works budgets that occurred in Fiscal Year 2017 will be carried through for the full year in Fiscal Year 2018. The Town’s financial picture is strong and the Town has sufficient free cash to fund an aggressive capital program.


Department and committee review

Police: Chief David Breen said the current budget is doing well except for overtime due to the need to fill shifts for an officer out on injury leave. The Town is seeking to appoint an additional patrol officer. No new staff will be requested or Fiscal Yard 2018. Capital requests will include continuation of the radio project and conversion to fiber optic cable at the Strout Avenue and Knoll Road repeater stations. Two cruisers that are nine and ten years old should be replaced, with one kept as a car for police detail work. Replacement of radar units that are over 10 years old will be sought, as well as that of a computer server that was previously in use by the School Department.


Schools: Superintendent Jane Tremblay said that the schools are facing unexpected challenges in special education tuition and transportation as well as staffing. A record number of teacher medical and maternity leaves have been experienced. The bus contract cost was higher than expected, which is felt in the athletic budget. In Fiscal Year 2018 the schools are looking to preserve its current program with no major new initiatives of staffing.


Fire: Chief Mark Tetreault said that the Fiscal Year 2017 budget is in pretty good shape. The new staffing model has not yet been implemented. He hopes a long-term injured on duty leave case will be concluded by the end of the current fiscal year. In Fiscal Year 2018, the department will seek a clerical position, as firefighters are performing this function, which interferes with their other duties. In the capital budget, the replacement of an ambulance that is about 15 years old is sought, at an estimated cost of $250,000. Replacement of one staff car is also sought, as well as expenditures for AED defibrillators, intravenous pumps on all ambulances, and new secure stretchers to meet state mandates.


Veterans: Veterans Services Office Bruce Siegel said one additional veteran has been added to the benefits case load, so an increase is being sought. Additional funds for training and the Memorial Day and Veterans Day observances are also being sought. A capital request for $10,000 for design work for a new war memorial will be submitted.


Council on Aging: Senior Center Director Linda Naccara said the current year budget is on target and that the major request for next year’s budget will be for a new van, which will cost about $80,000. Repairs to the current van are cost-prohibitive given its age.


Library: Director Holly Mercer said the lone challenge in the current budget is supplies for the youth services programs. In Fiscal Year 2018, a capital requests for furniture in the adult section and funds to address safety and security issues will be submitted. On the operating side funds for continuing education for staff will be requested, as will expansion of youth services to allow programming on Saturdays. The library building grant has been submitted and a state response is expected in July.


Health: Director Kristin McRae reviewed the duties and responsibilities of her department. She said there have been increases in well permitting and food establishments, as well us housing complaints. The Department of Public Works has been paying for sharps disposal collection, although it is not in the budget. Funds for this purpose should be included in the upcoming budget, but not necessarily in the Board of Health budget. For Fiscal Year 2018, a modest increase in the professional services line item will be sought. Fees collected for the increased permits help offset the costs.


Conservation: Administrator Berry Adelson said that a wetlands scientist was hired this year as a part-time assistant. The current fiscal year budget is on target. She said she plans to retire in the fall and the budget request for Fiscal Year 2018 will include funds to allow for an overlap with the new administrator to ensure a smooth transition.


Accounting: Town Accountant Julianne McCarthy said that the current fiscal year budget in on track and that the project to allow for greater citizen transparency will be rolled out in the next few months. The MUNIS accounting software has been upgraded. No major increases will be sought in Fiscal Year 2018.


Treasurer/Collector: Christine O’Sullivan said that the current fiscal year budget is in good shape and that a new printer for the tax office will be requested in Fiscal Year 2018. She asked that departments inform her of any large-scale mailings so she can budget for those costs.


Public Works: Director John Tomasz said he has only been on the job for ten days but is comfortable the current fiscal year will finish up without a deficit. He said he is working on the field maintenance plan and what should be handled in-house and what tasks should be contracted out. As always, the snow removal cost is an unknown. He said he has visited the fields and facilities numerous times to acquaint himself with their condition and needs.


Recreation: Recreation Commission Chairman Matt Monkiewicz said that he expects no major changes in the upcoming fiscal year budget request. He said most programs are self-funded through fees collected from users.


Finance Committee: Chris Mattia said that subcommittees will be making appointments to discuss budgets with department heads.


Budget submission

Ms. McCarthy reviewed budget submission process and said that non-union employee salaries should be increased by 2.5 percent to match the increases granted to union personnel.


Public comment

There was no public comment.


Chairman Crawford said that the town administrator’s office will be in touch with departments and committees to schedule budget presentations before the Board.


On the motion of Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 7:40 p.m.