January 8, 2018 minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, January 8, 2018

Board of Selectmen

January 8, 2018

Regular Session

Merritt Center, 600 Market Street



Christopher Barrett, Chairman


Richard Dalton, Selectman


Philip Crawford, Selectman


Chairman Barrett called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. He announced that the meeting was being recorded for transmission by cable television. He led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Petition for change of manager, Rebel Restaurants, LLC, Temazcal Tequila Cantina, 600 Market Street

Proposed manager Stephen Vallarelli appeared before the Board as the applicant as new manager for Temazcal Tequila Cantinas. He reviewed his work history. Selectman Dalton said he worked with Mr. Vallarelli when they were both employed by the Back Bay Restaurant Group. Selectman Crawford noted that the candidate was certified in safe alcohol service.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that the Board approve the petition for change of manager, Rebel Restaurants, LLC, Temazcal Tequila Cantina, 600 Market Street, Stpoehen Vallarelli, new manager. The vote was unanimous.


FY19 budget presentation: Planning Board

Planning Board Chairman Brian Charville reviewed the FY19 Planning Board budget request.


He said that the Planning Board voted top request an expensed budget of $3,000, a reduction of $286. The salary request was increased to $65,000, on the recommendation that the position of Planning and Land Use Assistant be upgraded to Town Planner. The salary is similar to those offered by small communities in the region. The final request is $10,000 for the publishing of the zoning bylaws once they are approved by the attorney general’s office.


Chairman Barrett said this is an important new position to consider and asked which communities have the position. Selectman Dalton said the change is long overdue and will be worth the investment. He said the salary should attract a moderately experienced person Selectman Crawford said he is still on the fence as far as the need for the position, as the Town is near built out. he said he understands the need for the position to work on a new master plan or special projects, but is unsure if this is the best use of the Town’s resources. He said that the Town could save $20,000 to $25,000 by hiring someone at the current salary for the current position. Selectman Dalton said that a planning director could purse state and federal grants.


Mr. Charville said that there were concerns expressed about granting the planner too much power, and said the job descriptions and powers must be carefully considered.


Board members thanked Mr. Charville for the presentation.


FY19 budget presentation: Conservation Commission

Chairman Paul Martindale presented the FY19 Conservation Commission proposed budget. He said the proposed budget would increase from $91,766 to $92,063. The salaries provide for a full-time administrator, a part-time assistant and a minutes taker. The Conservation Commission is also seeking a new copier in conjunction with the Planning Board.


Selectman Crawford asked if the Commission considered reducing the salary with the pending retirement of the incumbent Conservation Administrator.


Mr. Martindale said the amount of knowledge and experience required is significant to replace the current administrator. He said about seven have applied. The Commission is hoping to hire a candidate with a master’s degree and four years of experience in the field. Elizabeth Adelson, the current Conservation Administrator, has 28 years of experience, and must be replaces with a person at a comparable level, with the complexities of the wetlands Protection Act, the local wetlands bylaw and various regulations.


The salary was advertised at $65,000. The current assistant is a wetlands scientist working 4-8 hours per week. She had been considered for the position, but accepted an offer from her current employer. The budget is for the assistant position is 12 hours per week.


The capital budget request is $23,500 for the continued treatment of Pillings Pond. This is a higher request reflecting an increase in the quote by the current contractor. Other bids will be sought. he explained the treatment options and the need to treat algae and aquatic weeds. He said the long-term goal is to address source issues with upgraded stormwater treatments.


In response to a question from a resident, Mr. Martindale reviewed educational efforts aimed at reducing phosphate runoff from septic systems, fertilizers and other sources.


Mr. Martindale said the rail trial proposal will eventually come before the Commission due to its route. He said Town officials should not comment on environmental issues.


Request for no parking regulations, Yorkshire Drive and Grey Lane

A request for parking regulations on Yorkshire Drive and Grey Lane due to student parking there will be on the agenda of the next meeting. The Board said it looks forward to hearing from residents.


Selectmen Update:

Chairman Barrett thanked the Department of Public Works for the outstanding job it did during the recent snowstorm. Selectman Crawford said he received some positive feedback from residents.


A Healthy Lynnfield (Selectman Crawford): The parent survey is being worked on and instruments used by other Towns are being reviewed.


Town Administrator Update:

Interim Town Administrator Robert Curtin updated the Board on the recent snow emergency, provided an update on the Town’s financial status, research into the 311 constituent responsiveness service, and the Conservation Administrator search.


Public Comment

Resident Patricia Campbell suggested more residents make use of public comment and complained none was allowed at a recent meeting of the Town Meeting Study Committee. She has several suggestions to improve town meeting, and requested all committees have public comment as an agenda item.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that the Board adjourn.


The Board adjourned at 8:52 p.m.