October 26, 2017 minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Board of Selectmen

October 26, 2016

Regular Session

Selectmen’s hearing room, Town Hall



Philip Crawford, Chairman


Christopher Barrett, Selectman


Richard Dalton, Selectman


Chairman Crawford called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. He announced that the meeting was being recorded for transmission by cable television and led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Chairman Crawford explained that this additional meeting of the Board was scheduled to take care of some time-sensitive issues.


Historical preservation restrictions, Center Farm

Historical Commission Chairman Steven Todisco appeared before the Board to discuss the revised preservation deed restriction. He said that the Historical Commission voted on October 18 to approve the revised restrictions, which reflect the comments of the Massachusetts Historical Commission. The Lynnfield Historical Commission had previously decided that the Town should have oversight on any changes to the front façade and side façade for alterations and additions, but would not need oversight on anything not visible from the street. The state commission wanted full control of the building, including the rear façade. The Town would have access to the mural after the building is sold, and would have thirty days to remove it and display it and preserve it for future use. The Historical Commission is satisfied withy the revisions and is pleased that the building will be preserved and looks forward to the possibility of a new owner.


Members of the Board thanked Mr. Todisco and the Historical Commission for its work. Chairman Crawford said that a request for proposals for the sale will be drawn up once the state approves the deed restriction. Selectman Dalton asked about the grounds. Mr. Todisco said that any proposed structure on the grounds would require review by the building department with Historical Commission oversight. Nothing can be placed in the front of the house. He was unsure whether a swimming pool would be allowed in the rear. Town Administrator James Boudreau said that marketing would include advertising in the Central Register and alerting local real estate brokers.


On the motion of Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton, the Board voted unanimously to approve the revised historical preservation restriction for the Center Farm property.


Appointment of Public Works Director

Chairman Crawford said that the Board had interviewed another candidate for the public works director position over the weekend in individual meetings. He asked Board members for their opinion on the candidate.


Selectman Barrett said that this has been a through process with 10 to 12 candidates being screened in interviews by the town administrator and several having been interviewed by the Board. He said he has been very impressed with the candidates. This candidate, John Tomasz of Newburyport, who is the sitting director in the City of Salem, had not applied earlier. If he had, he would have been at the top of the list due to his extensive experience as director in Salem and two suburban communities. He said he was especially impressed by his aggressive record in constituent services and logging requests and tracking the execution. He is also experienced with large-scale capital facilities projects. He is very excited about the prospect of working in Lynnfield. Selectman Barrett said he is in favor of moving forward with hiring Mr. Tomasz.


Selectman Dalton said he concurred and said that Mr. Tomasz has extensive experience with 18 years as a DPW director in three communities. He also has the requisite education and certifications. He said his record on constituent services differentiated him from all other candidates he interviewed. He said Mr. Tomasz looks forward to being involved with the community in much the same way the police and fire chiefs are, and will emphasize communication with Town departments and organizations, which has been an issue in the past. He said he has every confidence Mr. Tomasz will succeed.


Chairman Crawford echoes the sentiments of his colleagues and agreed that if he had applied earlier he would have been at the top of the list. He reviewed his experiences and said he is well respected in Salem, Rockport and Hamilton, where he had served previously. He said he will be a hands-on director and that his methods of tracking work are impressive. He said he believes that the Finance Committee and townspeople will be impressed by these methods.


On the motion of Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton, the Board voted unanimously to authorize the town administrator to offer the position of public works director to John Tomasz of Newburyport and to enter into an agreement with him on salary and benefits.


Selectman Dalton asked that if agreement is reached that Mr. Tomasz present to the Board his goals and objectives for his first 90 days and his first year as director.


Appointment of special municipal employees

Mr. Boudreau told the Board that an advisory from the state Attorney General’s office has stated that even though members of the Board of Water Commissioners and the employees of the Lynnfield Water District and the Lynnfield Center Water District are not employees of the Town of Lynnfield, they must be appointed special municipal employees of the Town to avoid potential conflict of interest issues.


Dr. Richard Peinert asked if this would affect their pension benefits in any way. Mr. Boudreau said they do not receive pension benefits through the Town of Lynnfield, and that status would not change.


On the motion of Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton, the Board voted unanimously to appoint both the members of the Board of Water Commissioners and the employees of both the Lynnfield Center Water District and the Lynnfield Water District as special municipal employees.


On the motion of Selectman Barrett, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 6:21 p.m.