Fall town meeting warrant available online

The fall town meeting will be held on Saturday, October 17, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. at the Lynnfield High School athletic field, 275 Essex Street.

The same precuations and procedures observed at the annual town meeting held this spring will be observed at this meeting. 

● Face Coverings: Members must wear face-masks covering both nose and mouth. The Town will provide masks for those who do not have them, and anyone who does not wear a mask will be out of order. (If you have a health condition that would prevent you from wearing a mask, you are required to notify staff on entering the High School parking lot.)

● Meeting Check-In: Voter check-in will be conducted while you are sitting in your vehicle. On entering the High School area, you will be directed to the Student Bus drop-off circle.
A Firefighter, in personal protective gear, will approach your window and conduct the voter check-in. You must stay in your vehicle.

Vehicles will then be directed to the Student Parking Lot, where Department of Public Works Staff/Police Officers will direct you to specific socially distanced parking spaces. You must remain in your vehicle until you are instructed to exit. If you do not have a mask at this time, you will be given one.

After you are directed to exit your vehicle, you will be ushered to the field. Prior to the field, there will be hand sanitizing stations. Strict CDC social distancing guidelines will be adhered to while entering the field by staff members. Once on the field, you will be directed to your seat, which will be 9 ft. from anyone else. A regular Town Meeting will assume from this point on.

The warrant is available here. All registered voters in the Town of Lynnfield are eligible to discuss, debate, ask questions about, and vote on motions regarding the warrant articles.

We look forward to seeing you on October 17.



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