Veterans Day observance on common Sunday

Veterans Day Celebration 

Sunday, November 11, 2018


The Lynnfield Veterans Day Celebration will take place on Sunday, November 11, 2018 on the Lynnfield Common. The ceremony will begin at 11:30 AM, and will last approximately 30 minutes. It will include participation in the National WW1 Centennial “Toll the Bell” Program, as well as the unveiling of a Veteran parking sign to be placed at the Town Hall. All Lynnfield veterans and residents are invited and encouraged to attend.


Veterans Day is a celebration of the brave men and women who have dedicated their lives to protecting us. It is incumbent upon us to spend some time showing our appreciation. 


In the event of inclement weather, the celebration will occur on the same date and time inside the Meeting House. Brunch will be served upon the conclusion of the ceremony.


If you are interested in making donations to local veterans, Lynnfield’s own American Legion Post 131 will be on site and donations may be made to them after the ceremony.