Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, April 11, 2018



A meeting of the Planning Board was held on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at 7:00 in the Al Merritt Media and Cultural Center at Market Street. Present: Chairman Brian Charville, Vice Chairman Michael Sheehan, Clerk Charlie Wills, Katherine Flaws, and John Gioioso. Chairman Brian Charville called the public meeting to order at 7:04 PM and announced it was being recorded. He introduced the Planning Board (PB), including newly elected member John Gioioso.


  1. Election of Officers

Mr. Wills nominated Chairman Charville as Chairman and Mr. Sheehan seconded the motion. It carried 4 -0. Mr. Wills nominated Mr. Sheehan as Vice Chairman; Chairman Charville seconded the motion. It carried 5 – 0. Chairman Charville nominated Mr. Wills as Clerk; Mr. Gioioso seconded the motion. It carried 5 – 0.


  1. Continued Public Hearing – Zepaj Lane (Broadway/Green Street)

Mr. Sheehan motioned to reopen the public hearing; Mr. Wills seconded it, and the motion carried 5 – 0. Mr. John Ogren of Hayes Engineering said all the final minor changes to the plan had been made. He added that town engineer Charlie Richter and Mr. Bill Jones of Linden Engineering were satisfied with the plan. Chairman Charville agreed with Mr. Ogren’s summary. The PB has now received the final definitive plan, the final HOA, and the decision letter. Chairman Charville stated the final decision letter includes specific bond requirements. Mr. Wills asked if paper bonds were permissible; Chairman Charville answered yes. Mr. Wills noted he did not favor their use; Chairman Charville said they are permitted in the Subdivision Rules and Regulations. Additionally, the decision now includes a requirement of $1,500 per lot for stormwater management, and a provision for the release of the ANR lots (A, B, and C) prior to roadway and utility construction. This was recommended by Mr. Jones.

Chairman Charville requested a motion to approve the final definitive plan and all related documents, including the PB’s decision letter dated April 11, 2018. Mr. Wills inquired as to whether the Holiday Inn parking lot issue (asphalt paving onto a Lynnfield lot) had been resolved, and was told Atty. Kimball is following up on this. Mr. Sheehan asked if Mr. Richter and town counsel had reviewed all the revised documents; the answer was yes. Mr. Sheehan then motioned to approve the plan as outlined by Chairman Charville. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wills, and it carried 4 – 0 with Mr. Gioioso abstaining. Mr. Sheehan motioned to close the Zepaj Lane public hearing. This was seconded by Mr. Wills, and the motion carried 4 – 0.









Chairman Charville announced it was 7:15 PM and the open public hearing for the warrants articles would begin. He also said that the public hearing for warrant article #22 will be held on April 25, 2018, during the PB’s regular meeting at town hall. Chairman Charville said warrant articles #16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 23 would be heard tonight.


  1. Discussion of Warrant Articles for April 2018 Town Meeting

Mr. Wills motioned to open the public hearing, and it was seconded by Mr. Sheehan. The motion carried 5 – 0. The public hearing notice was read by Ms. Lambe, and a motion to dispense with the full reading of the notice, made by Mr. Wills and seconded by Mr. Sheehan, carried 5 – 0.


Warrant Article # 16- ban on marijuana establishments:

Lynnfield resident Mr. Alan Dresios commented on the need to add a definition of marijuana to the article, and the need to add licensing. Mr. Sheehan asked if adding the term “non-medical” would resolve the definition issue; the answer was yes.


Warrant Article # 17- temporary moratorium on marijuana establishments:

No comments


Warrant Article # 18- revised Zoning Map of Lynnfield:

Chairman Charville said the complete hearing on this article will be at the April 25, 2018 meeting. This is to allow time for a few final needed adjustments, one of which is the boundary of the groundwater protection district. Mr. Dresios noted the watershed protection district, as shown on the map is not “a fatal flaw”. He stated that the definitive rule is the wording of the Zoning Bylaw, not the actual map.


Warrant Article # 19- rezoning of Sagamore Spring Golf Club:

Chairman Charville read the warrant. Atty. Ted Regnante said he would review warrant articles # 19, 20, and 21 since they all refer to the rezoning of 105 acres on the easterly side of the Sagamore golf course. The 3 warrant articles consist of:

  1. Rezoning the parcel from Single Resident District D to Elderly Housing (EH)
  2. Allowing a private commercial golf course in an EH district
  3. Increasing the maximum allowed units in an EH district to 154 from 136

Atty. Regnante stated he had met with the BOS, town boards, and the public. He also reviewed benefits of the project, including: minimal school impact, net revenue increase of $1,764,000, a pending mitigation package, a 5 year rollback tax for 61B property(recreational), and improvements to the intersection of Lowell and Main Streets. A Traffic Impact Assessment was distributed to PB members and reviewed by Mr. William Bergeron of Hayes Engineering. He then detailed the improvements that would be made to the intersection to improve the efficacy and safety of all traffic flow. Mr. Bergeron said he is aware of the proposed project on the other side of Main St. and did additional analysis to account for it. He foresees no negative impact from the project if all the improvements to the intersection are in place. Mr. Wills asked if the original plan for 82 single family homes was on both sides of Main Street; the answer was yes. Mr. Peter Ogren of Hayes Engineering said the plan submitted exceeds the requirements for frontage and total acreage, and that the property includes 18 acres of wetlands and 26 acres of ponds. He reviewed the proposed plan, the alternative use plan, and summarized their differences. Mr. Ogren said they have a verbal agreement with the MWRA to provide water, and are currently negotiating with the city of Peabody to deliver the water.

Chairman Charville asked for comments from the audience which began with the reading of a letter from Mr. Paul Marchionda. His concern is that the proposal lacks sufficient support material with regards to the yield of 82 house lots under the current zoning of the property. Mr. Marchionda is also concerned that no restriction on future development on the west side of Main Street has been proposed. Mrs. Patricia Campbell stated that the town charter specifies the April town meeting is for financial matters, and the October town meeting is for zoning issues; she proposes considering these warrants in October. She is also concerned about the project’s impact on our schools, the safety of a sewage treatment plant, the reliability of the traffic impact study, and the impact on other town services. Mrs. Campbell feels a guarantee is needed from Peabody regarding water service. Mr. Dresios addressed warrant articles # 19, 20, and 21. He said the town should add inclusionary zoning to combat potential 40B problems that will arise in the future. Mr. Dresios suggested that the language in warrant article # 20 (allowing a golf course as a permitted use in an EH district) should read “associated 18 hole golf course only”. He added that with a 25% density requirement, the proposed number of units should remain at 136. Mr. Gioioso asked if a school impact analysis had been completed; Mr. Mark Fougere of Fougere Planning said he had completed a fiscal impact report that concluded 16% of the new development’s homes would be sold to Lynnfield residents.


Warrant Article # 23 - rezoning of Wills Brook

Mr. Angus Bruce, developer of the property, reviewed the proposed project, which totals 22.7 acres and is currently zoned as a Residential District. The requested zoning change is for Elderly Housing (66 units). Mr. Angus reviewed project details, including: use of wells for water, use of septic systems, the roads will be private, housing will be 55+ with 1 unit reserved for a veteran, units will have a 2 car garage and be 1800 – 2100 square feet, and list for $589,000. Estimated revenue for the town is $608,000 annually, and mitigation with the town is being negotiated. Mr. Scott Cameron of the Morin-Cameron Group, engineers for the project, said the project would have “minimal impact”. He detailed the plan, including: the main road is less than 2000 feet, the access road is 600 feet, there will be 12 private wells, the proposed septic system has passed Title 5, and a traffic analysis is underway. If not rezoned, this property would consist of 15 single family homes. Mr. Wills asked about the name Wills Brook vs. the original Willis Brook, and was told that is how it appears on the Assessors Map. Mr. Wills asked why one unit is being reserved for a veteran; Mr. Bruce answered that this was something he wanted to offer. Mr. Sheehan asked if there would be restrictive covenants regarding the age of residents; the answer was yes and they would be perpetual. Mr. Sheehan asked if there would be a traffic analysis done; the answer was yes. Ms. Flaws asked if the 12 private wells would be drawing water from the same source as LCWD; Mr. Cameron answered yes, but the septic system would recycle and return the water to the source. Ms. Flaws asked if a water impact study will be completed. The answer was yes; and that the water sourcing plan is permitted through the state, which allows for this. Mr. Gioioso asked how the size and price of the units was determined; Mr. Bruce answered this project is serving a different demographic than the Sagamore Spring project. Chairman Charville asked when the developer planned to break ground if the rezoning is approved; Mr. Bruce answered “by this time next year”. Chairman Charville asked for comments from the audience. Mrs. Campbell said her concerns include: increased traffic, protecting and preserving the water supply, and septic issues. She hoped both projects would use organic lawn products in order to protect the water supply from nitrates. Mr. Ken Burnham of the LCWD stated that the 12 wells would be artesian, not interconnected, and should therefore have no impact on the water supply. He also said the wells would be 125 feet away from the Title 5 septic system, and the Board of Health will inspect this. Mr. Wills asked if wells had been tried on the site; Mr. Burnham answered yes. Mr. Wills asked if there would be one septic system for 66 units; the answer was yes.   


Chairman Charville stated the warrant articles have been covered, and that Warrant Article #22 will be heard on 4/25/2018. He requested a motion to continue this public hearing on Wednesday, April 25th at 7:00 PM. Mr. Wills made the motion; Ms. Flaws seconded and the motion carried 5 – 0. Mr. Sheehan motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 PM, and Mr. Wills seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn carried 5 – 0.


The next scheduled meeting of the Planning Board is on Wednesday, April 25, 2018 in the Maney Meeting Room at Town Hall, 55 Salem Street, at 7:00 PM.



            Respectfully submitted,



Susan Lambe, Planning Office