
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, December 27, 2017



A meeting of the Planning Board was held on Wednesday, December 27, 2017 at 7:00 in the Maney Meeting Room at Town Hall. Present: Chairman Brian Charville, Katherine Flaws, Michael Sheehan, and Charlie Wills; absent: Scott Gromko. Chairman Brian Charville called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, and announced the meeting was being recorded.



1.ANR – 36 Alexandra Rd.

Chairman Charville announced that the application for this ANR had been withdrawn by the applicant, and therefore would not be discussed at tonight’s meeting.



2.Sagamore Place modification request

Chairman Charville informed the Board that he had spoken spoke with Town Counsel Thomas Mullen regarding this request after the Board’s December 13, 2017 meeting. It was determined the safer course of action for the Board in considering this request would be to hold a public hearing on the matter, given that “major v. minor” is not a distinction made in the Subdivision Rules & Regulations. Chairman Charville informed Atty. Kimball of this approach by the Board; Atty. Kimball asked the Chairman that the Board’s record reflect that “They concur with this approach”.


  1. Permanent Planning Board staff position/Fiscal Budget Year request to Board of Selectmen – simultaneous discussion of these 2 agenda items

                                   The request is currently (as submitted by John Faria, the Board’s former Chairman, to the   Town Administration in November): $3.0 – general office expense, $10.0 – publication of updated Zoning Bylaws and Master Plan, and $65.0 – staff salaries. (salary amount reflects base salary, not base salary plus fringe benefits, etc.)                  


                                   It was noted that the previous position of Planning and Land Use Assistant was full- time,        

                       30 hours per week, and that the salary paid ($48,952) was top of the pay scale for this  

                       job. Mr. Sheehan said that prior board Chairman John Faria was opposed to hiring a Town  

                       Planner (TP) vs. a Planning and Land Use Assistant (AP). Mr. Sheehan agreed with him at that time, but now thinks a TP is a better course, and the Georgetown TP job description that Mr. Charville shared with the Board is appropriate. Chairman Charville noted from the many TP and AP job descriptions he reviewed that a TP role is proactive vs. the reactive nature of a clerical or AP position. Mr. Wills stated that the role of AP had not been completely filled, and should be given another try rather than adding another layer of bureaucracy. Ms. Flaws agreed the AP is a reactive job and cited “a real need for someone to create a new plan”. She felt that Lynnfield would benefit from the special training and certification of a TP, as well as having a representative to regional planning groups. Further discussion included what actual authority a TP would have (none above what an AP now has, unless there would be a change in laws). Chairman Charville observed that there seemed to be majority support on the Board for moving the direction of hiring a TP, and asked if there was a motion that the Board of Selectmen (BOS) and Town Administrator (TA) be informed of the Board’s decision to proceed with hiring a TP in lieu of an AP or clerical. Ms. Flaws moved the motion; Mr. Sheehan duly seconded, and the motion carried by a vote of 3 – 1, with Chairman Charville, Ms. Flaws and Mr. Sheehan voting in favor and Mr. Wills opposed.


                      Chairman Charville returned to the budget discussion about the office and publishing costs; Mr. Wills said abiding by the original request previously outlined by Mr. Faria could be best. It is not known whether funds can be transferred from one category to another (e.g. publishing to administrative) once the budget is approved. Chairman Charville questioned the sufficiency of $65.0 for a T.P. salary; Ms. Flaws said that was in line with the Georgetown salary for a TP. An interested candidate for the position in Lynnfield (Ms. Heather Sievers) was mentioned, with Mr. Wills stating the PB would be fortunate to hire her. Chairman Charville requested a motion to move the budget request to Town Administration as it stands ($65,000 for staff salaries, $10,000 for publishing expenses, and $3,000 for general office expenses). Mr. Wills made the motion and Mr. Sheehan seconded it. The motion carried with a vote of 4 – 0.


4.Approval of Minutes

Discussion of length and detail of minutes ensued; it was agreed there would be less “play by play” included, and that the BOS minutes could be reviewed for guidance in terms of level of details in minutes. Chairman Charville submitted some written changes to the draft of the December 13, 2017 minutes, each Board member read them, and Chairman Charville called for a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Mr. Wills motioned and Mr. Sheehan seconded; motion carried 4 – 0.


There was a brief, general discussion of the Scenic Road Bylaw (SRB) and ideas about how to best publicize and enforce it. That discussion resulted in the following:

  • Chairman Charville will pursue the idea of a flyer, possibly annual, with Town Engineer Charlie Richter.
  • Mr. Wills will discuss control of SRB with Building Inspector Jack Roberto.
  • Ms. Flaws will review the topic with ConCom member Melanie Lovell.



5.Topics for the Planning Board’s next meeting to include:


  • Sagamore Place Public Hearing to review modifications to plan
  • Zepaj Lane continued Public Hearing, stormwater and subdivision/definitive plan issues
  • Updated reference books including Subdivision Rules and Regulations and Zoning By-Laws
  • Possible Scenic Road Bylaw discussion with Jane Bandini.
  • Approval of minutes from 12/28/17 meeting


Chairman Charville will inform TA of budget decision. Mr. Sheehan motioned and Mr. Wills seconded adjourning the meeting at 7:50 PM. The vote to adjourn carried 4 – 0.


The next scheduled meeting of the Planning Board is on Wednesday, January 31, 2018 in the Maney Meeting Room at 7:00 PM.



            Respectfully submitted,



Susan Lambe, Planning Office