December 7, 2020 meeting

Meeting date: 
Monday, December 7, 2020

Board of Selectmen

December 7, 2020

Regular Session

Remote via Zoom



Christopher Barrett, Chairman


Philip Crawford, Selectman


Richard Dalton, Selectman


Chairman Barrett called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. He announced that the meeting was being recorded for cable television via Zoom.


COVID 19 update

Chairman Barrett said the community has much work to do in observing state and local mandates.


Town Administrator Robert Dolan said the Town has had 393 case. There are currently 129 active cases, which is a significant amount in a short time. The Town is averaging 14 new cases per day over the past week. The post-holiday surge is occurring. The age grouping is very different from the start of the pandemic. The majority of cases are ages 10-19 and 40-49. He said this indicates parents and their children are. The Lynnfield schools is facing significant setbacks, with 81 students in quarantine and 26 positive cases. Teachers are also under quarantine. He asked that community wear masks, observe social distancing and most importantly avoid social gatherings. He said decisions individuals make can affect not only their family but the whole community. He asked the community to refocus its efforts.


Chairman Barrett said the uptick in numbers is alarming. He reiterated the need to follow the state guidelines. He said that the community cannot jeopardize the hybrid learning model. He thanked Mr. Dolan and the Emergency Management Team for its efforts.


7:00 p.m. Public hearing, application for restaurant all-alcohol license, MDK Ventures, dba American 160 Bar and Grill, 160 Moulton Drive

This application was previously approved by the Board but not exercised, and not renewed. The public hearing was duly posted and advertised.


The applicant was represented by Theodore Regnante and Jesse Schomer of Regnante, Sterio and Osborn, LLP. Owners David and Matthew Palumbo and manager Steven Cuccinatti were also in attendance.


MOTION by Selectman Crawford, duly seconded by Selectman Dalton: I move that the public hearing be opened. The roll call vote was unanimous.


Attorney Schomer said the Board approved the license transfer from Bali Hai to MDK Ventures in June of 2019 but the license lapsed while under review by the Alcohol beverages Control Commission, as did other related licenses. The owners have now filed an application for a new license. He said the owners are working with the Board of Health on the improvements to the restaurant and hop to have approval from the Board of Health this week.


David Palumbo said the restaurant will have a local pub feel and will fill a local need. He said it will be competitive in pricing and said he will focus on repeat business from local business. He said the kitchen improvements have been significant, and said they will be purchasing and installing new appliances. He said he anticipates no issues with the Board of Health.


Mr. Cuccinatti said his family has been in the restaurant business for longer than he can remember and looks forward to creating a successful operation. He discussed adaptations required due to COVID-19 issues, especially with service of alcoholic beverages.


Mr. Schomer said both owners and the manager are certified in alcohol service by TIPS.


No member of the public wished to speak.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford I move that the public hearing be closed. Roll call vote was unanimous.


Selectman Dalton said that he knows the parties well and said there is a track record of successful operation.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that the Board vote to approve the application for an all-alcohol restaurant license to MDK Ventures, dba American 160 Bar and Grill, 160 Moulton Drive. Roll call vote was unanimous.


Weekday entertainment application, American 160 Bar and Grill

The application calls for televisions, jukebox and karaoke, as the previous operator held.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford I move that the Board vote to approve the application for a weekday entertainment license to MDK Ventures, dba American 160 Bar and Grill. Roll call vote was unanimous.


Common victualler license, American 160 Bar and Grill

MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford I move that the Board vote to approve the application for a common victualler license to MDK Ventures, dba American 160 Bar and Grill. Roll call vote was unanimous.


Automatic amusement license, America 160 Bar and Grill

The application calls for a jukebox and a pool table.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford I move that the Board vote to approve the application for an automatic amusement license to MDK Ventures, dba American 160 Bar and Grill. Roll call vote was unanimous.


Request from Historical Commission to name Historical Center the Pope-Richard Family Historical Centre

The Historical Commission has voted to recommend the naming of the Historical Center building as the Pope-Richard Family Historical Centre. The Historical Society has inquired about placing a plaque on one or more benches currently on the common in recognition of Earl and Steven Richard.


The Board’s policy on Naming of Town Property requires a public hearing on the naming of a building. The Town has a program for purchase of benches and plaques that relies on the purchase of these items by private parties with ordering through the DPW.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford I move the Town hold a public hearing on the proposal to naming of the Historical Center building as the Pope-Richard Family Historical Centre on Monday, December 21 at 6:00 p.m. Roll call vote was unanimous.


Use of facilities requests:

            a. menorah for common

            b. manger scene for common

The DPW has expressed concern about the placement of any heavy materials on the new sod on the common. The Town Engineer recommends considering placing these items on the lawn across from the Common between Town Hall and the Historical Center.


Mr. Dolan said that placement on the common directly might harm the newly laid sod. Selectman Dalton said the proposed placement across the street from the common is fitting and agreed that the Town should not risk damage to the sod.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford I move that the Board vote to approve the placement of a menorah on the common, subject to an option to place the menorah on the lawn opposite the common if deemed more appropriate by the DPW.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford I move that the Board vote to approve the placement of a manger scene on the common, subject to an option to place the menorah on the lawn opposite the common if deemed more appropriate by the DPW.


MOTION by Selectman Dalton, duly seconded by Selectman Crawford: I move that the Board adjourn. Vote was unanimous. The Board adjourned at 7:21 p.m.