May 3 2022

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Select Board

May 3, 2022

Regular Session

Via Zoom



Philip Crawford, Chair



Joseph Connell, Vice Chair

Richard Dalton, Member


Chair Crawford called the meeting to order at 9:02 a.m.


Consider waiver for to Town Counsel Thomas Mullen representing both the Town of Lynnfield and the Town of Wakefield in Inter-Municipal Agreement

Assistant Town Administrator Robert Curtin explained Thomas Mullen has for years served as Town Counsel to the Town of Lynnfield and the Town of Wakefield. Since it is possible that the interests of the two municipalities may not align, in circumstances in which both communities wish to avail themselves of his services on a single matter, such as the matter of shared municipal services, his appointing body must agree to a waiver after being satisfied that his serving both communities will not adversely affect his representation of that Town’s interests.


MOTION by Mr. Connell, duly seconded by Mr. Dalton: I move that the Select Board confirms that it believes that Attorney Mullen can adequately represent the interests of each Town in the contemplation of shared services of a Director of Assessment, having been informed of the possible effect of multiple representation on the exercise of the Attorney’s independent professional judgment on behalf of each Town; acknowledges that it knows of no fact or circumstance that will or is likely to adversely affect the Attorney’s representation of the other Town; and consents to the Attorney’s multiple representation of the Towns and his sharing of confidential information with each Town. Vote was unanimous.


Mr. Curtin said that the documents necessary would be prepared and available for signature later that day.


MOTION by Mr. Connell, duly seconded by Mr. Dalton: I move that the Board adjourn. Vote was unanimous.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:04 a.m.