October 5 2023 meeting

Meeting date: 
Thursday, October 5, 2023

Select Board

October 5, 2023

Regular Session

Via Zoom


Present:            Joseph Connell, Chair

                        Richard Dalton

                        Philip Crawford


Chair Connell called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. He noted that Chair Connell is participating via telephone in accordance with the Board’s remote participation policy. He stated that the meeting is being recorded for cable television transmission. He asked those in attendance to join him in the Pledge of Allegiance.


1. Reopen fall town meeting warrant

MOTION by Mr. Dalton, duly seconded by Mr. Crawford: I move that the fall town meeting warrant be re-opened for the acceptance of an article. Vote was unanimous.


2. Additional warrant article regarding purchase of property for cemetery expansion

Town Administrator Robert Dolan explained that after the fall town meeting warrant was closed, the Town became aware that a parcel of land abutting Willow Cemetery is being offered for sale. As this Board and the Strategic Planning Committee has made cemetery expansion one of its goals, given the dwindling inventory of plots in Town-owned cemeteries, which has required the measure of selling plots only on an as-needed basis. A Cemetery Committee made up of Town employees has been looking at possible land acquisitions, we feel this unique opportunity to acquire land for that purpose should be put before the voters. He said that after analyzing the property, it appears that the Town could add 10 to 20 years’ worth of inventory. Currently, the lots available will run out in about 10 years. He said due diligence on regulations would be ongoing. He said that this opportunity came up very quickly and therefore the Town


An appraisal of the property is being undertaken and the funding for the purchase is expected to come from the sale of real estate account. A recommendation on the article will be made prior to town meeting.


Mr. Connell said the Strategic Planning Committee had noted the need for additional cemetery space.


Mr. Dolan said funding for the purchase would come from the sale of Real Estate account, and would have no effect on the operating budget.


Mr. Connell said that the Town has looked at other parcels abutting cemeteries but they are not for sale.


Mr. Crawford said that the Town should jump on this opportunity.


MOTION by Mr. Dalton, duly seconded by Mr. Crawford: I move that the fall town meeting warrant be re-opened for the acceptance of an article asking voters to consider the purchase of the property at 1005 Summer Street. Vote was unanimous.


3. Close fall town meeting warrant

MOTION by Mr. Dalton, duly seconded by Mr. Crawford: I move that the fall town meeting warrant be closed. Vote was unanimous.


4. Authorize town administrator to execute agreements with Reading Municipal Light Department for electronic vehicle charging stations at Town Hall and South Fire locations

Mr. Connell said that the Town has been working with reading Municipal Light Department to bring electric vehicle charging stations to Town facilities. There is no cost to the Town for the licensing of these loactations. Town Counsel has reviewed the agreement.


MOTION by Mr. Dalton, duly seconded by Mr. Crawford: I move that the Board authorize town administrator to execute agreements with Reading Municipal Light Department for electronic vehicle charging stations. Vote was unanimous.


MOTION by Mr. Dalton, duly seconded by Mr. Crawford: I move that the meeting be adjourned. Vote was unanimous.


The meeting was adjourned at 1:08 p.m.