Effective November 1, 2022, mattresses and box-springs cannot be put into the trash.

Bulk Item Stickers for Mattresses and Box-Springs can no longer be sold at the DPW or put out for trash collection

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has made an amendment to the 310 CMR 19.000: Solid Waste Management Facility Regulations, which will have an effective date of November 1, 2022.  As such, the 2022 Trash Pickup Calendar has some incorrect information involving the 310 CMR 19.000 Amendment. 

The amendment has added mattresses (including box-springs) and textiles (clothing, footwear, bedding, towels, curtains - essentially most things made of fabric) to the list of materials banned from disposal or transport for disposal in Massachusetts.  References to the change are found below:

Per new State Regulations, mattresses, box-springs and textiles cannot be thrown in the trash, but they may be recycled.  Since this was a very recent amendment to the Solid Waste Management Facility Regulations, the Town of Lynnfield does not have a procedure to recycle those items.

However, the Town has arranged with a local preferred vendor who will schedule mattress and boxspring pickups for Lynnfield Residents. 

Please contact ABH Services, Inc. at 781-941-2422 or at their website https://abhservicesinc.com/ 

This service is independent from the Town and must be arranged separately by anyone who wants a mattress/boxspring picked up.
Costs start at $50.
Initially ABH Services will pick up two times a month, but that might change based on demand.


Please do not call the Lynnfield DPW for mattress or box-spring disposal.

Recycle Smart MA - Beyond the Bin: