Calculate in Dollars & Cents What Your Tree is Worth!

Just enter zip code, tree name and tree diameter in inches!
image of money tree

Ever wonder what your tree is worth? How about $350 per year?!

OK, so the $350 is for Jane Doe's cherished Silver Maple, but you can actually calculate the annual benefits of any particular tree in your yard - in dollars and cents!! Just plug in your zip code, the tree name and the diameter in inches. Simple, yes?!

The National Tree Benefit Calculator lets you make a simple estimation of the benefits individual trees provide, based on the  i-trees software program for arranging and managing individuals trees. It considers the canopy surface instead of individual numbers of trees, and calculates annual and future revenues. With inputs of location, species and size, users can see the annual environmental and economic value their trees provide. Economic benefits are derived from carbon compensation, shade, flood prevention, revenue generation, food production, insect habitat and air filtration.

Try it out here!  

The National Tree Benefit Calculator is a product of Casey Trees, a Washington D.C. non-profit established in 2002. The science-based i-trees software program is developed with partners USDA Forest Service, Arbor Day Foundation, Society of Municipal Arborists, International Society of Arboriculture and SUNY Society of Environmental Science & Forestry.