Emilie Cademartori presents to Lynnfield Village Home & Garden Club

Presentation showcases existing conservation lands and future open spaces
emilie presentation to garden club

At its kick-off meeting September 19, members of the Lynnfield Village Home & Garden Club heard a comprehensive presentation from Emilie Cademartori, Lynnfield Director of Planning & Conservation. Members gathered in the newly renovated Meeting House to hear about existing conservation areas and learn about future open space opportunities.

Cademartori spoke of the many improvements to the 5 existing conservation areas, including new signage, repairs and trail maps that are being published and distributed for visitor use.

Future open space opportunities include “Lynnfield Woodlot”, the name given to the recent purchase of the 21-acre Richardson Green property in north Lynnfield. Essex County Greenbelt has purchased the property as part of Lynnfield’s successful award of a $1.6 million Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness grant in 2021. The Lynnfield Conservation Commission now holds a Conservation Restriction on this property preventing any further development in perpetuity.

Members also learned about the longer-term open space opportunity known as Willis Woods, also in north Lynnfield. Willis Woods is a much larger forested parcel of approximately 600 acres of land mostly owned by the Lynnfield Center Water District.