FREE ZOOM Webinar - "The Nature of Oaks" – Feb. 1st at 7PM - Register here!

Doug Tallamy - webinar speaker will illuminate the criticality of our native oaks
oak tree - university of delaware

Scary headlines about the decline of the natural world have spurred people across the country to take action by planting natives to help reverse this trend. No plant will achieve this faster than one of our 91 species of native oaks.  Oaks support more species of animals, sequester more carbon, protect our watersheds, and nourish soil communities better than any other plant genus in North America.

Webinar speaker Doug Tallamy will illustrate these capabilities by sharing his observations of the many fascinating things that are happening on the oaks in his yard each month of the year. His hope is to impart knowledge about oaks that will generate interest in them, and, with any luck, compassion for these magnificent trees.

Doug Tallamy is a renowned researcher, best-selling author, and professor at the University of Delaware. He is the co-founder of Homegrown National Park, dedicated to galvanizing individuals and communities to regenerate biodiversity and ecosystem function by planting native plants, with an initial goal of 20 million acres of native plantings across the U.S.

Register here!