Grow Native Massachusetts' Claudia Thompson presents FREE program April 23, 7pm - Meeting House

Native Trees - "The Heart of Your Landscape"
image grow native massachusetts tag line

Kick off Spring with the Lynnfield Tree Committee and a special FREE program by Grow Native Massachusetts at the Meeting House on Thursday, April 23 at 7pm.

Claudia Thompson, founder of Grow Native Massachusetts, is a nationally recognized leader in the native plant movement. With an extensive career in the environmental sector, Thompson is a strong advocate for the importance of land stewardship on all lands— large and small— and a firm believer that conservation begins right here at home. “We must change the paradigm that views humans as separate from nature and adopt a 21st century attitude toward conservation that views human activity as integral to the natural world.”

Each of us can choose native plants and trees that add to our landscape.  Trees are the most valuable choice, improving biodiversity, and providing the foundation for local food webs and needed habitat for birds and wildlife. Tree canopies capture carbon and reduce the heat island effect of our cities and suburbs.

Come learn about the trees’ unique ecological contributions and adaptations, as well as their soil, moisture and horticultural requirements. Leave equipped and excited to add more of these essential plants to your gardens and streetscapes while improving the environmental quality and the health of your local ecosystem.