Lynnfield Initiates Organic Lawn Care Program on Town Common!

Town expects reduced environmental impact and cost savings!
Photo town common - septic replacement area

The septic replacement project on the Town Common is completed – the site has been graded, loamed and seeded – and ready for grass germination in the Spring. What’s different is the way in which the grass will take hold and be maintained by the DPW. This portion of the Common will be maintained using organic treatment measures, rather than traditional chemical pesticides and herbicides.

“This is a good initiative for the Town”, says Town Engineer Charlie Richter. “We’ll be able to monitor the effectiveness of the organic treatment measures and expected cost savings on this smaller 13,000 square foot area. In the Spring, the DPW can look to implement organic maintenance measures on the remainder of the Town Common’s existing lawn area. Looking even further ahead, the Town has numerous grass properties that could also be converted to organic lawn care.”

The Town is currently working under guidance from Osborne Organics of Marblehead, MA. All Marblehead public properties, including its playing fields, have successfully been organically maintained for years.