"So, What’s a Public Shade Tree?"

"...and, how do I know if I have any?"
photo of a public shade tree

Public shade trees are trees within a public way or on the boundaries of public roads.

Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 87 (Public Shade Tree Law) protects the unauthorized cutting, trimming, or removal of public shade trees without approval of the Town's Tree Warden. Public Shade Trees are defined as any tree, regardless of species, within a public Right of Way.

Lynnfield’s Director of Public Works is the Tree Warden for the town.

The Public Way, is defined as any passageway (as an alley, road, highway, boulevard, turnpike) or part thereof (as a bridge) open as of right to the public and designed for travel by vehicle, on foot, or in a manner limited by statute. In Lynnfield, the public way includes a certain number of feet of land along public streets. However, this distance is variable depending on street location, and requires confirmation from the Tree Warden.

Anyone wishing to cut, trim or remove a public shade tree must contact the Tree Warden at (781) 334-9500 to schedule a site visit assessment and decision.