Update - Organic Lawn Care Program for Town Common!

Lower maintenance costs, better environmental outcomes expected
town common torn up

No one can miss the flurry of activity on the Common right now! The Fall 2019 septic replacement project has led the way for structural and aesthetic improvements now taking place. These include granite curbing, irrigation, light posts and electrical upgrades, redesigned walkways with historic Boston City Hall pavers, and accessibility upgrades.

An important part of this project will be the new lawn that will be installed and maintained using organics rather than conventional chemical-based pesticides and herbicides. When construction activity is completed, the Town will grade, loam and seed with a prescribed organics lawn care plan.

The Town is currently working under guidance from Osborne Organics of Marblehead, MA. All Marblehead public properties, including its playing fields, have successfully been organically maintained for years.