Your Lush Green Lawn with Less Water and Expense!

Comprehensive Water Workshop - May 15, 7-8PM - FREE
image of lush lawn

Attend this FREE workshop Wednesday, May 15 at 7:00om at the middle school to learn how to get that healthy lush green lawn using less water and money than you thought. Experts from the Ipswich River Watershed Association (IRWA), the Lynnfield Center Water District (LCWD) and the Lynnfield Planning and Conservation Department will provide an overview of the local water supply environment, the upcoming watering season and how to get the best possible lawn when seasonal water restrictions are in place.

Also discussed will be ways to detect and correct a water leak in your pool or home. The LCWD will also provide information for residents on their new low-flow toilet and high efficiency washing machine rebate programs. Important handout materials will be available. The program will include ample time for residents' Q&A.

For addtional questions, please contact the Lynnfield Planning & Conservation Department at (781) 334-9495.